
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A Visit With Mr. C

I took the boys this afternoon to see the Big Guy. The Head Honcho. The Big Cheese. Mr. C. Kris Kringle. The Man in Red... The one, the only, Santa Claus. He was at Bass Pro don't ya know?! Josh had seen him this weekend with his buddy Austin and said that it was the REAL Santa so how can I NOT take him back there to where the REAL Santa was to have his picture taken. If I tried to take him somewhere else with another Santa that looked similar, would he not be curious which one WAS the real deal? I didn't want to confuse him so... I got the boys dressed in the most "holiday-ish" outfits they own that weren't overly dressy -- not "into the whole dressy thing this year" and off we went.

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:) NO LINE, NO CROWD... did you hear me people? Mid-December... a visit with Santa... and NO LINE! I would have paid TRIPLE the price for the pictures. This year wasn't like last - Drew was quite excited to see Santa and ask for a race car that goes like this (and he waves his right arm all around). Once on his lap I think he got a little stage fright but once Santa gave him a candy cane, all was good. He smiled at him, didn't look fearful in his photo and when he was finishing up and sliding off his lap, it was just like on A Christmas Story -- when the kid forgot to ask for what he really wanted and climbed back up the slide -- Drew turned around and goes "I want a race car" and quickly walked down the stairs. It was so funny. But it was SO exactly like that movie...

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I thought this photo of Drew was hilarious -- looks like... um, did you say naughty, no. IT wasn't me... wasn't me... I didn't do it.
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And this is the look that he gives you when he wants something "pwetty pweeze whip soogar an spwinkles on top"

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And this is Drew wondering... hmmmm... Santa, how exactly DO YOU define good
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Josh has decided he's going to use peppermints in place of his missing teeth.
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After we were done visiting with the man in red, we checked out the fish tanks.
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They had a pretty cool set-up. Reindeer - alive, no... so I can't decide if I think it's neat or pretty morbid that they have him sitting there with all these dead stuffed deer.

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The boys seemed to like it though.
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This is my favorite shot of the day.
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And this is how to tell your kid is done taking pictures.
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Watch out -- a toddler's behidn the wheel!
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Mr. Snaggletooth is ready for the chicks.
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  1. Great shots of the boys and Santa. That really 'does' look like the real Santa! ;) Glad the boys had a great time!

  2. Glad you and the boys had a great time. He really 'does' look like the real Santa! ;)

  3. Awesome pictures! They will be fun to scrap. I have to agree, he looks like the real deal.

    Merry Christmas,

  4. I love the set up they have going there...its so unique!

    but I gotta be honest...I think I like the bathtub santa pics better...I laughed my butt off at those!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.