
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Final Supper

We took Josh to meet my mom last night at El Chico for dinner. We always go to supper the night before he leaves. Usually we let HIM pick the spot but I opted for Mexican food and mom suggested El Chico so there ya go.

Drew was his usual loud, not stay in your chair, try to cut soft tortillias with a butter knife for 10 minutes self. Josh was hungry so he filled up on chips before dinner (of course) and I think all the big people probably ate too much! I know I did! UGH...

It was a sad ride home... I was already running on a little "low" becuase of him leaving but considering he'll be gone for 5 weeks... makes all my tanks run a little lower.

This morning I woke up early so that I could try to start my day out right and called mom to see if he was on the plane because it LEAVES at 8:30... it was 7:54 and he was still in line getting his ticket. Needless to say, I'm almost 100% positive his bag won't make it and I'm not so sure he will either but I certainly can hope. The very reason she was to take him to the airport so that they could get there quite early (she's more of a morning person than am I) and so that it would be an easy stress-free departure for him. I think next time I'll do it just to avoid this... Ugh... I called Josh's dad to let him know what all was going on and to let him know that I certainly HOPED his bag made it. I hate that... Grrrr..

Cross your fingers guys that the plane is running late! :) CROSS YOUR TOES... CROSS YOUR EYES...

So, now I've got some work to do... I've got 5 weeks... to calm down... I've been really irritable lately. I need to go burn off a lot of steam I think -- staying home with a 3 year old (no school during summers regardless of what is on my work agenda) is just a freakin test of patience that I'msorry to say ... is about like everyone's gas tank... running way low and at a cost too expensive to fill back up.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, girlie...

    If all else fails, I recommend chocolate or ice cream...or both...

    I totally "get" how hard it is to keep the tank full with a toddler...its never easy to find enough things to do or enough energy to do them.

    Lucky for ME, my son LOVES water and we have many options involving water...

    Still...I don't know why they don't sleep considerably more than they do, considering that they are into everything and do all things at warp speed...sigh!


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.