
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

He's HOME!

Today my little man came home from his summer vacation visiting his dad in Iowa. I was pretty excited. I took Drew and headed for the airport with plenty of time to spare and a HUGE rainstorm was closing in on us so we were really hoping he made it home and out of the plane and to the car BEFORE it hit! We also hoped to miss the deluge becuase immediately afterward we were going to The Rainforest Cafe for dinner.

This was the first summer that Drew really experienced loneliness without Josh there and it was SO hard to watch that... but he was SO excited knowing we were goign to the airport to bring Josh home. This was Drew continually watching for "dosh's pwane."


This is how you entertain a 4 year old that is so excited he doesn't know what to do with himself...

Once we finally saw a plane headed toward the jetway (or whatever those little walkway things you have to go up when you board/exit a plane are called)... we moved to the area where we could see eveyrone as they departed the aircraft.

He began to practice what he would be telling everyone as they tried to depart...

This one is too cute

When people didn't start coming out IMMEDIATELY, Drew really didn't think his brother was coming home and that they left and he started to cry. He was so sad. Almost inconsolable. He was so filled with emotion, he didn't know what to do. I hate that he has to experience this kind of "loss" every summer just for Josh to go be bored for 3 weeks up in Iowa (the first two are always a lot of fun...after that the calls become more frequent.... like, once every five days to ... once every four hours... yes, the last week he called me about 5 times a day. He was ready to be home.)

And finally... a great time at The Rainforest Cafe.


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