
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Thanks for the prayers

Thanks to everyone for your prayers for my dad. As you may, or may not know, he had a total knee replacement Tuesday morning. I dropped Drew off at his Mimi's house and then went to pick Dad up and take him to Arlington Memorial. We were there, waited about 10 minutes, they called him back and started all the surgical prep work. He even had his knee shaved... woo hoo. Ha ha ha!

I went with his friend Denise to see him when he was coming out of anesthesia -- had a cute nurse... wonder if he hit on her. Ha ha! Then I went and grabbed a bite to eat at TGI Fridays and then back to hang out for a while. I left the hospital about 7pm and got home in time to spend a few moments with Drew before bedtime. It was a long day.

I didn't get a chance to go see Dad today because Josh is HOME FROM IOWA!!! His flight was delayed about 30 minutes... but he's HOME... there was a very tender moment with Drew that I'll write about tomorrow... but it was very sweet..

We went to the Rain Forest Cafe tonight to celebrate his homecoming and he and Drew are already at it like brothers (I did NOT miss that!) :) Josh DOES seem a little more tolerable of the little troll now though. :) LOL

Dad's still got a long way to go with recovery and physical therapy and he will be coming to stay at myhouse until he has a release to drive (it was his left knee that was replaced so it should't be too long since he drives with his right foot before he's released). I know he doesn't want to lose his independence... who would...but at least I'll be able to take care of him. My formal living room will be turned into his little get well room until he's all better. :) That will be nice to have him around again. :) I kinda miss him. :)

I'm taking Josh to visit him tomorrow after Drew's gymnastics class.


  1. Hope your Dad has a speedy recovery! Glad to hear that Josh is home and back to the same ol' with little bro!

  2. How is your dad???


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.