
Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Fill Ins!

ffi we go!

1. Colorado is my favorite place to travel to.

2. When I think about my childhood, I often remember our house on Woodoak Drive; Townly Elementary; summers swimming in Tubby's pool; my best friends Shannon Fry, Tammy Thompson and Elaine Branch; riding bikes up to M.E. Moses for candy and wondering when I was ever going to grow up and be big "enough" to do things my sister did.

3. A lonely dog makes for a good friend.

4. The wind in the trees, the rain on my skin, the freedom from the confines of the walls of my home to the exhiliration and majesty of the expanse of nature around me.

5. Glee is so exciting! OK, I know that was totally stupid but I freakin LOVE THAT SHOW!

6. My best friend knows a lot about numbers (she works in accounting for an international corporation).

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to purging the house and possibily taking Drew to mom's for a couple of nights (he really misses his brother), tomorrow my plans include picking up my organic veggies from the co-op and Sunday, I want to attend church and buy me a new wedding band -- it's my anniversary. We will have a delicious steak dinner at home!

I'm linked to: Friday Fill Ins


  1. Buy a "new" wedding band? Did something happen to the old one? I'm very sentimental about my wedding ring. I've told my wife I want to be buried with it. She said something to the effect of "It's too nice a ring to be stuck in the ground," and I said "OK, you can take it when I die, but you have to put ANOTHER band on my finger. I want my wedding band on when I go."

  2. I only visited Colorado once, but I fell in love with it and would love to visit again some day.
    We went backpacking in the Rocky Mountain National Park.

  3. There is nothing wrong with loving some GLEE! Me too:)

  4. GLEE rocks!

    And Happy Anniversary! :)


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.