
Saturday, July 20, 2013


July Blogging Challenge

Paula's Place is hosting our July Blog Challenge.  Link up here.

Topic du jour:  Write about the best/worst date you've ever been on.

While I haven't been on too many dates that were bad.. because I tend to be an excellent judge of character and really won't even give someone the time of day unless they pass a gross number of criterion on my mental checklist.  I will tell you about a date that NEVER HAPPENED... and why.

I was introduced to a guy named Jay from a friend of a friend.  She thought we would just be great together and hit it off.  We exchanged a few e-mails and a few phone calls and a couple of photos.  (Yes, I'm that shallow.  I won't apologize that there IS something to say about physical chemistry.  If it's not there... see ya!)

He wanted to go to dinner one night and I let him know that I was goign to church with my dad and then I would be going to dinner with his Bible study group and that I would call him when we were done and if it wasn't too terribly late that I would call him afterwards and maybe meet up for a drink or something.  No commitment.  Easy enough, right?  Well, my father and I went to church.  We went to dinner.  It was an enjoyable evening.  I realized, however, that it was going to be too late by the time I would have returned home to head the direction of where he lived (about 30 minutes away) so I reached for my phone in the console of my car (no, I didn't take it into the restaurant or church for that matter) and I had like a gazillion missed calls and they were




Can you say creepy freakazoid stalker?  


Photo Credit
I really had nothing more to say to him after that fact ... well, other than QUIT FREAKING CALLING ME YOU PSYCHO!  


  1. That is creepy and a little sad. That poor thing didn't have any other friends.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.