
Friday, July 19, 2013

Love Me, Love You!

TGIF!  Time for Five Question Friday!  Link up here.

1. What is one thing you have too many of in your house?
Dust bunnies.  But tomorrow is "Pat Day"  For that I am forever grateful!  She sucks the dust bunnies up and makes my abode beautiful again.

2. Did anything go not quite as planned on your wedding day?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!  I thought I was DYING of amoebic dysentery on my wedding day... on a remote beach on Maui with NO RESTROOM while suffering from dehydration from a VIOLENT stomach bug is NOT the best way to have everything go "as planned".  I really don't believe I should have to elaborate further.

3. What is your favorite summer smoothie recipe?
1 bunch of spinach
1 container of vanilla yogurt (80 cals, no fat)
1 cup of frozen strawberries
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1 banana
2 Tbsp ground flax

4. What is the weather like where you are?
Hot. Humid.  97 degrees today

5. What is your favorite book to read to your kids?
I love to read to my kids... I don't really have a favorite because they're such different ages and read such varied genres of books.  When Josh was young, we loved Mr. Floops' Lunch and these two...

Love Me, Love You  

Drew is really liking The Box Car Children... I have the full set!

Benji loves picture books and lift the flap books.  He LOVES 

(I'm sure the fact that there are actual flashing fireflies in the back of the book has NOTHING to do with his adoration for said book.)


  1. It was so very hot and humid here today too. How sad that your wedding day was ruined by you being sick. And in Hawaii no less.

  2. Guess I'll quit complaining about my husband wearing his mom's corsage instead of his boutonniere throughout the wedding LOL! I love your smoothie recipe. I'll have to try the ground flax.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.