
Friday, July 19, 2013

She saved me...

Can you believe we're on the 19th day of July's challenge at Paula's Place?  Me either!  

Today's topic:  Write about someone you really care about.  Link up here.

This is very hard for me to choose because I don't like singling out just one person in my life (because... you know I don't play favorites!) and since there are so many people that I love dearly and they all deserve equal time in the limelight, I'm going to chose another topic.  I'm going to write about some THING that I care about... dog, Lola.

Lola came to be with this family in November 2006.  Four months prior, and just weeks apart, I had to put both of my Boston Terriers down due to different cancers.  While I gave myself some time to grieve, I know too well that I am and will always be.. a dog person.  

So, when I found a local Boston owner that just happened to have some puppies... I did what any dog lover would do.  I went over to look.  You know, I was just going to go over there to look... because you always just go look when there are puppies.  It's sooooo easy to just walk away empty handed when your heart has a big empty spot just waiting to be filled by some puppy breath and a pawprint.

I looked... and I looked.  I held and examined and played.  I looked through them all trying to figure out which would be the ideal dog for me.  I had it narrowed down to a couple primarily because of their markings.  And I chose "White Cloud" because she had a heart murmur.  I figured that would make her less desirable by someone else and I thought she deserved a great home regardless of a heart "condition."  So, being the sweet, thoughtful dog lover that I am.  I brought her home to save her... because if I'd waited through the weekend, she was going to be left outside.  You see, the owners were going on vacation and I knew a cold front was moving in that very weekend.  I couldn't bear the thought of MY little puppy outside and so I bought her on the spot.  Here is her first day at home.

Lola with Drew in the backyard leaf pile.

Me and my little puppy

Just look at that face!  Isn't it adorable?

Her second day at home.  She's quite the bundle of energy, no?

Josh was home sick and she slept with him on the couch.  

And slowly she started to grow... and so did the love in our hearts.

And luckily this love story hasn't ended.  You see, she's now in the fight for her life, too.  Lola is my lucky charm.  You she she's my third Boston.  She's also my third Boston-- with cancer.  She has four tumors that we are having removed in a little over a week.  I just hope and pray that they (to quote my grandmother) "get gone and that's that."  

She turns seven in September this year.  She's just a young one!  I want her to have many more birthdays here by my side.  She's my co-dependent snuggle buddy.  

That day back in November 2006... I may have saved her from a cold weekend... but she's saved me in so many other ways I can't even imagine.  My shadow, my snuggler, my friend, my baby girl... my Lola.   


  1. Now this is such a sweet love story. What is the deal, though, with Boston Terriers and cancer? Is that part of owning one or just a coincidence?

  2. Lots of folks care alot about their pets. You're probably in very good company.
    Oozing Out My Ears

  3. Awwww...look at those eyes. She is adorable.


Thanks for taking the time to show some love. I had to turn the comment moderation back on for the asshats that feel it necessary to spam blogs. Sorry for the interruption.