Therefore, I have a list of books I'm wanting to read before the movies come out. Besides, books are so much better than movies. Especially since Hollywood is completely impotent when it comes to originatility now as they remake EVERY fucking thing under the sun or create yet ANOTHER sequel rather than... I don't know -- BE ORIGINAL!
So, here are thirteen books on my list. If you click on the books, they will take you to the Amazon links where you, too, can buy them and enjoy them with me!

and last, but certainly not least...

Those are good books. I don't mind when books are made into movies, but I do wish they'd stop remaking everything. How many times do we need to remake Tarzan? Or Mutant Ninja Turtles? We do seem to be caught in some cycle of recycling old movies and ideas.
Thanks for joining up with Thursday 13!
I'm with you. Always read the book first.
We are so the same, but then I'm disappointed a lot with the movies lol. I agree with above the remakes are driving me NUTS!
I read Light Between Oceans and well, I just couldn't get into it at all. All of my friends loved it though!! I tried, I really did, lol. I finished it, of course, if only to mark it off my goodreads. :P
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