Did you hear that Whitney Houston died?
Can you turn to any channel without being bombarded with that stooooooopid song that I'm so ridiculously sick of hearing. Yeah, she died. SO WHAT?!
I'm not trying to be callous to the extent that her family doesn't feel a real loss, but people die every day. In her case it shouldn't have been a matter of IF but WHEN. She was a train-wreck addict. They die every day. Her talent was gone. Her addictions killed her gift. She went from pop-diva to pill-popper. She's dead. Get over it.
I heard tale that they were flying the US flag at HALF STAFF for HER? Seriously? You're lowering our NATIONAL symbol of freedom for a drug addict? I'm ASHAMED OF YOU!
If you're going to lower that symbol that people are STILL FIGHTING FOR for that broke, talent-loss, drug addict then you should by ALL MEANS lower it for the men and women how have since died fighting for what it represents!
So, take a look, shall we...at the faces of death. No, this isn't a review of the gristly videos of various ways to die that had a somewhat cultish following in my high school years. This is an actual post to look at the faces of the fallen soldiers. http://apps.washingtonpost.com/national/fallen/dates/2012/ if you're so inclined to read about the men who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom in the war on terror. And, I'm not a proponent of the war. I hate war, but I support these men who are willing to place THEIR lives on the line for me... and for my family... and for you!
The heroes who have been lost so far in the year 2012:

These are the faces of the men who deserve the flags lowered on their behalf. I'm so sick of our over-sexualized, over-sensationalized, over-done, over-covered media giving so much air-time to shit that doesn't even matter.
She died.
Yeah, it sucks for her kid.
Get over it! Junkies die every day.
And so do people that actually are going out there and doing theier best for US... us here back at home and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude that we'll never be able to repay. Their families left to grieve without their loved ones are owed more than us flying our flags at half-staff for a junkie. I'm sorry. It's mean. I'm ruthless but by golly, someone has to put their foot down sometime. I've never been one to sugar-coat anything (other than my sugar cookies -- and they're quite good, by the way) and this is no different.
GET OVER IT! Give media attention and honor where it is DUE and DESERVED!

1 comment:
Woman! Very heartfelt! Those faces are so young! :(
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