Prepping for the ADVENTure of Christmas today features two parts -- part one was books and let us not forget the other media source that is definitely considered entertainment for the whole family -- MOVIES!!!!
I have an extensive Christmas movie collection because... well, I love Christmas movies! However, if you don't, have no fear! Set your DVR to record any of your "must see" movies and you're ready to go! Have NetFlix or Amazon Prime? Many are available for instant streaming! Don't have a DVR? No problem! Borrow the movies from the library, your friends, family or, hey -- go start your own collection RIGHT NOW! And, if all else fails, visit this site and check out their schedule - ABC's Family 25 Days of Christmas -they showcase the classics every year! In searching for their timeline, I did find this who provides a list of Christmas movies from a-z and it's SCARY long! Some shows just shouldn't be made into Christmas movies -- Kung Fu Panda's Holiday Special? Yeah, I'll pass!
So, what movies do we watch? When should we schedule them? That's entirely up to you. I have a tradition in my home, however, that we watch certain shows on certain days. But, like I've said, I'm ridiculously anal like that. For instance, Christmas Eve -- every year -- we watch The Polar Express and we READ Twas the Night Before Christmas. The shorter movies I try to schedule for the weekdays and the longer movies for Friday, Saturday or Sundays when we have more time.
Here are the movies to add to your rotation and/or collection! Our Christmas movies that have made the cut:

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation - I can't say enough about this movie other than... if you haven't seen it, I'm not sure we can be friends. This personifies the angst of every Christmas! The lights, the meal fails, the obligatory get together, the crazy relatives and... lest we forget -- Cousin Eddie! I'm not always one for stupid humor (though, knowing I'm a fan of Dumb and Dumber might make you think otherwise), but this movie is just... epic! If you tell me you haven't seen it, I'm going to ask you "You serious, Clark?"

Elf - I have to preface this selection by stating that I am not a fan of Will Ferrell movies. Like most other SNL cast members make it big -- for me, the schtick gets old. Quick. REEEEEALLY quick! However, Elf.IS.EPIC! I laugh my butt off EVERY.SINGLE.TIME! I quote this movie over and over again!! If you haven't seen it -- you just gotta OR again... I'm not sure we can be friends. Elf. Do it! Now! (No excuse to miss, it's on ABC's list multiple times!)

Jingle All The Way - The typical workaholic procrastinating dad waiting until the last minute for the hottest toy in town means that all moms can totally relate to, and thus, get a real kick out of this. The multiple shenanigans that Arnold Swarzenegger (the dad) and Sinbad (a pissed off postal worker) get into on their no-holds-barred quest to secure the last of the hottest toy in town are hilarious. I also enjoyed Phil Hartman's performance as the smarmy neighbor.

Twice Upon a Christmas - I love both of these movies because... well... I'm a Disney fanatic. Both DVDs feature several small movies each. Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas has three small stories. The first one has Mickey and Minnie reminiscing how each gave up what they treasured most for the sake of the other's happiness. Selflessness in a way children can understand. Then a story of Goofy and his son Max and how faith in something (even Santa) is important. The last story is like a Groundhog Day of the worst Christmas for Donald until his nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie learn what the spirit of Christmas is really all about. The second disk is equally awesome, has great animation and face it, if you're a Disney fan, you can't help but like it!

Miracle on 34th Street - While the DVD image may be colorized, please note that I'm a true lover of black and white classics, so make no mistake that my movie is not the colorized version! I love this tale of how an old man going by the name of Kris Kringle fills in the Macy's day parade because their Santa showed up drunk! Kris gets hired as he is (obviously) perfect for the job. Unfortunately, his sanity is called into play because (GASP!) he believes he IS "THE" Santa Claus and law suits ensue. In the end he makes a believer out of everyone. Treasure for your collection for sure!

Frosty the Snowman - We sing the songs and love the tale! We read the books and exclaim "Happy Birthday!" Frosty is a super cartoon classic of how a magician's hat brings a snowman to life and melts the hearts of everyone around. It's Frosty! How can he NOT be on your Christmas movie list? Our DVD has the sequel as well. It usually gets played immediately after.

Santa Buddies - This really isn't my favorite movie, however, my boys have always loved it so we keep it in rotation. Talking dogs -- what's not to like, right? I have another dog movie in rotation that I enjoy so this one is generally one that the boys watch without me while I'm doing something equally as important as listening to talking dogs.

The Grinch - Yes, I realize that we already have Dr. Seuss's How The Grinch Stole Christmas in our list but Jim Carrey brings this character to life! He is absolutely amazing. I love and completely relate to Cindy Lou Who. She doesn't buy into the whole idea of doing just as everyone says just because that's what they all do. She befriends The Grinch and... well, if you haven't see it, you just have to. Christine Baranski is awesome as Martha May Whovier! Molly Shannon is always fun to watch, too! But, again, the real winner in this movie is Jim Carrey. He completely steals the show!

12 Dogs of Christmas - I added this movie to our list because while it seems just like your standard run-of-the-mill Christmas special, it touched a special place in my heart. You see, I love animals. More specifically, I love dogs. This is the story of a girl who uses dogs (which are actually banned in this specific town), to teach people about love and acceptance using a Christmas pageant featuring... what else.. canines.

The Year Without a Santa Claus - Another stop motion animation that I have loved since childhood. My boys, obviously, don't "get it" but that doesn't mean it's not on our list! Santa wakes up with a cold and decides to take the day off instead of delivering presents because he doesn't believe there really is much Christmas magic alive anymore. In the end, he is proved wrong and Christmas comes to every town. It makes me happy. I have to see it!

Santa Claus Is Coming To Town: Another stop motion animation classic from 1970 has been one of my favorites since childhood. It's the story of how Santa originated as Kris Kringle fought to get toys in the hands of needy children at Christmastime. And face it, who can not like a movie with a blue eyed mailman (Fred Astaire) singing Santa Claus is Coming To Town? His voice is truly swoon-worthy. I never would have pegged Santa as a ginger, however, but ya know... whatever.

The Polar Express: This has always been one of my most favorite books to share with my boys. Having this movie brought to life -- I knew it was a not-to-be-missed feature on our list. Tom Hanks is just AWESOME as the conductor. The computer animation is out of this world beautiful and the story is... and yes, I realize I'm using the hell out of this word -- but it IS... TIMELESS! This will be one that stays around for ever and ever and ever!

The Muppet's Christmas Carol - What's not to love about Kermit playing Bob Cratchit? Charles Dickens holiday classic tale as it's never been told before. I mean, Miss Piggy??? Gonzo? Fozzie Bear! Come on! It's THE MUPPETS! If you don't know the Charles Dickens tale, it's a must read. Go buy it now. The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future help Ebenezer Scrooge see the errors of his ways in true Muppet fashion.
These are the favorites on MY list. There are ALWAYS others you may want to add to yours.... such as...
Jack Frost. I don't watch it because it's about the boy's dad being dead and that isn't happy. Fred Claus... because it just wasn't happy enough to make my cut. Jim Carrey in A Christmas Carol because frankly, there were some rather "dark" times and it kind of creeped my kids out when they were younger. Since my boys' ages vary, I'm not adding it to the cut because I want to keep it kind of light. And, Santa Paws. I haven't ever seen it but... it looks like it would be cute.

Honorary mentions
White Christmas - This one isn't on the list of my advent, but it's a favorite of mine that I watch alone. I am the only one in my home that is a sucker for the old classic movies (The Bishop's Wife, Holiday Inn, etc.) The movie itself is from 1954 and takes place in a lodge in Vermont where it is almost always a white Christmas. I luff it. It's awesome. End of story!

The Nightmare Before Christmas - Personally, we watch this one all year round because it's just AWESOME! All the songs get stuck in my head. "What's this? What's this? There's color everywhere! What's this? What's this? There's white things in the air"

Arthur Christmas - I actually just learned about this movie yesterday so this is going to be my new one to watch this year! Synopsis is that it reveals the incredible, never-before seen answer to every child's question: 'So how does Santa deliver all those presents in one night?' The answer: Santa's exhilarating, ultra-high-tech operation hidden beneath the North Pole. But at the heart of the film is a story with the ingredients of a Christmas classic - a family in a state of comic dysfunction and an unlikely hero, Arthur, with an urgent mission that must be completed before Christmas morning dawns.

Bad Santa - I'm just not a fan. Sorry. It's not for kids... bleh. No thanks.
So, your job is to now go through and get your movies on your calendar! Some are great for 30 minutes of dinner prep, others are great for family viewing. Pick and choose what you want to watch when and get it on the calendar! If you don't own them, find out when they're airing on the networks, schedule your DVR or find out if they have live streaming from Netflix or Amazon Prime! Do it now!
(Oh, and don't forget the popcorn!)
Getting in the spirit! Yes, I am!

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