And...here we go!
1. I said, "People are stupid." (Because they are.)
2. Cold weather, flannel jammies and sleep is what I'm craving right now.
3. I was thinking about making some homemade cranberry orange muffins in the morning and devouring one (or two) with some Earl Grey and honey.
4. Think outside the box, will you?
5. We should have taken a vacation this summer.
6. I need to get up at 4:20 am daily, whether I want to or not!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sweet dreams, uninterrupted sleep and the chill of the night air creeping in my open window, tomorrow my plans include some morning "me time", a run, the gym, the donut store (for the Drewster), a baseball game, making some chili, attending Oktoberfest and further and continual purge of crap from my abode and Sunday, I want to read, organize, scrap, plan, enjoy Drew's baseball game, edit some photos, make a run to the grocery store [that's actually a lie in that I don't WANT to go to the grocery store -- I HATE going to the grocery store but I HAVE to so it's on the list... damnit!]!

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