
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's the thought that counts right? ha ha...

The boys are out back... I'm preparing dinner (ok..well, it's on the counter WAITING to be prepared) and Drew comes busting through the back door to tell me that he picked flowers for me. Apparently, we have a few lovely yellow weeds, I mean dandilions, in our back yard. I do, however, love that he's finding the art of picking flowers for mommy finally... and so in he comes... bolting through the in hand... runs to me...

"MOOOOOOOOM, I picked fowers fo you"


he hands them to me so proud of himself...

I say, "Oh thank you so much that's so sweet!"

And he replies, "we picked them in dog poop."

:) Oh yes... as I'm holding them in my hand... does the cliche still count? LOL


Unknown said...

ROFLMBO!!! Oh my...too cute!! And I love how you got a photo of this!

janet said...

Ok...I'm trying to type through my laughter!!!!! April, love that you included a picture of the "fower" and the story that goes along with it is classic! A poopy week...can't beat it. Remember, it really is the thought that counts. I think!!! Thanks for the good laugh this morning!

vannasmom said...

O such a cute little flower!!
tHAT is so sweet!!

Greta Adams said...

girl i am in tears...that is classic...and will make one helluva scrap page....