I'm going to take these last few hours of 2007 to take the opportunity to wish you and yours a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
I found a great article from Rabbi Jacob Pressman and although I've sent it to many a good friend in the recent past... I feel compelled to share an excerpt of it with you.
A Prayer for the New Year
On the eve of the New Year there are many yearnings in our hearts for which there are no specific prayers in the prayer book. These are my wishes for you, and for me.
In the year which now begins, may your hair, your teeth, your face-lift, your pecs, and your stocks not fall; and may your blood pressure, your triglycerides, your cholesterol, your white blood count and your mortgage interest not rise.
May you have good friends, including a doctor who keeps you out of the hospital, a lawyer who keeps you out of court, and an accountant who keeps you out of jail.
May your visits to the cemetery be few and to the wedding chapel be many; and may you find a way to travel from anywhere to anywhere in rush hour in less than an hour, and when you get there may you find a parking space.
May your home be safe from tigers, termites, tides, temblors, and tax collectors. And may inflation not diminish your income, nor expand your waistline.
May you actually win the ten million dollars the contest envelopes say your have already won, and may you give ten percent to the temple.
May you receive a letter from a long-lost friend and a kiss from a long indifferent spouse or offspring; and may you discover a big check you mislaid or forgot to deposit, and a big bill you thought you owed and forgot you paid.
May you be awe-struck by God's sense of humor as you wrestle with the possibility that a professional wrestler could become president of the United States.
May those in the judiciary take a vow of charity, those in the legislatures take a vow of poverty, and those in the executive branch take a vow of chastity.
May we discover civilized life on Mars, and may we also discover civilized life on Earth.
May Friday evening December 31 find you seated around the table, together with beloved family and cherished friends, ushering in the Sabbath day. You will find the food better, the environment quieter, the cost much cheaper, and the pleasure much more fulfilling than any carousing you might ordinarily do that night.
May you wake up on January 1st, finding that the world has not come to an end, the lights work, the water faucets flow, the sky has not fallen, and the irritating voice on the telephone is still saying, "We're sorry, your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again."
May you fill your lungs with clean, sweet air, free of pollution, auto exhaust, and cigarette smoke, and perfumed by fragrant flower blossoms and may you feast your eyes on green forest slopes, the blue of a clear ocean day, the rainbow of color in a cloud-flecked sunset sky, or the beatific smile of someone you have just embraced.
May you discover that what really matters in this life is not the years but the days, not machines but people, not lust but love, not money... well, let me put it this way, not greed but gratitude that you have enough for your needs to give you contentment, and enough for the needs of others to make you benevolent.
May the Messiah come this year, and if he does not may you live as if he is already here, and be kind and loving to one another and good to yourselves, and maybe next year he or she will come, and all my wishes for you will be fulfilled.
Is that not just beautiful? I thought so too.
As I sit in my warm living room, contemplating retreating to my cold bedroom (did I mention the HEATER DIED in there? Yeah, thank God for electric blankets since it's supposed to get down to 28 degrees) to watch (sleep through) some drab, boring movie Hollywood producers couldn't wait to put out. There's no originality there anymore -- nothing in the recent past has even piqued my interest -- other than The Golden Compass (I think that's the name... I'm going to see that!) Maybe I'll catch up on my Oprah -- I've got 3 Tivo'd there. :)
When you look back on the year youre leaving behind and look forward to the year ahead, it's always with a sense of nostalgia for the days past and a sense of adventure to the days ahead. Remember your failures and set-backs so that you don't repeat them. Remember to forgive your enemies because harboring ill-will and discontent only makes your heart grow colder. Remember to hug your kids and tell them you love them every time you can, every day. Remember that no one is perfect, not even you. Look to the days ahead knowing that it's a new year and a clean slate...
I'm looking forward to many new things this year... a vacation back to God's country (Colorado), my son turning 9 (NINE?! Geez I'm old), several domestic projects I'm wanting to accomplish, my youngest son turning 4 (FOUR... where HAS the time gone?) I'll have a few more months with my MOPS group which I won't be able to rejoin in the fall due to preschool conflicts. I have made a great new friend named Wanda that I can't wait to get to know better -- she's totally cool! I have one of my Scouts back in the Den for the 2nd half of the year. We've got lots of memories to make, lots of photos to take, lots of experiences to have, lots of birthdays, events, celebrations and lots of chances to make right on the opportunities I've been given.
I thank God for this year, 2007, and for the many lessons I've learned. I've learned to forgive, to love deeper, to love myself, to appreciate my blessings, to let it go and give it to God. I've learned to lean on Him for my strength and to be grateful and thankful for all the gifts He has given me. I have a safe, warm (well, most of the time) home, loving family, beautiful children, adorable dogs, a scrapbook room to call my very own, my health, my looks (ha ha ha! ok.. just checking to see if you were reading but I **DID** get carded tonight at Albertson's buying some wine), my freedom...
I'm blessed to be represented by the best infantry in the country, the United States servicemen and women that are out there now fighting to protect me and my children.
I'm blessed to live in a great school district and have the means to afford my children many opportunities to explore new experiences in life...
I have a fantastic Den of young men that I get to meet with every week and help teach them about being a Cub Scout!
AND, I started off my day right (cleaning/organizing) so that I could start my YEAR off right -- with a CLEAN SCRAPBOOK ROOM!
Anyways... this year, I vow to post at least one new "thing" per week -- it's going to be altered projects, sketch challenges, cards, pages, you name it but we're back in action this year creatively!
Honestly, I tend to NOT make resolutions because you're just setting yourself up for failure.
How about this doozie from Mark Twain: New Year's Day: Now is the accepted time to make your regular annual good resolutions. Next week you can begin paving hell with them as usual.
BUT, I have checked out the top 10 resolutions that people tend to make and I'm sure they're easy to guess
**lose weight
**stop drinking/smoking
**get out of debt
**save money
**spend more time w/family and friends
**get organized
yadda yadda yadda....
I don't care to lose weight but I want to be fit... if it means I maintain this weight but gain a little muscle, so be it. I just want to incorporate more veggies into our diets. I think that's just the place to start. I've alrady been working on menus. :)
I don't really have any bad habits (other than going over the text message limits on my phone) but I alleviated that problem so I should be good because the only other "addiction" I have is scrapbooking and... hey... well, everyone's gotta have a vice right? ha!
I don't need to get organized because if you know me, you know I am so anally (that doesn't look like it's spelled right) organized it's almost borderline OCD..
I would like to not set a scrapbooking goal for myself but I'd LIKE to complete at least 2 two-page layouts per week. IT's not a "resolution" or goal that I'm setting for myself but it's more of an idea I'd like to keep in the back of my mind because my REAL resolution is to put "ME" first since I tend to put myself at the bottom of my totem pole. So making time for what's important to ME is something that I feel is a priority enough TO make a resolution about.
That's about it.... I will look for my happy every day and continue to be mindful and thankful for what I have.
So, Happy New Year everyone! I'm going to go sit beneath a warm electric blanket and try to be enthused about some movie. :) TTFN!
Step through the web into my life. Read the ramblings of daily existence. My life, though by no means mundane in the overall picture, possesses such poignant moments that sometimes I just shake my head and wonder where the cameras are because it can't be real. Then I realize -- THIS is what it's all about!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Happy Birthday to ME!
Yep... yours truly hit the big 3-5 today. Josh was SUCH a hoot.
"Mom, what exciting things are you goign to do on your birthday?" I grab a tissue and blew my nose because I'm still deathly sick.
"Well, you've got your Christmas party at school, I have to pick up a cake from the store for the Pack meeting tonight and then we have the Pack meeting."
"That doesn't sound like fun at all."
"Yeah, well, when you get old, you don't live your days for you anymore, it's all about your kids."
"Then I don't want any kids."
HA HA HA! I was so proud of my little narcissistic 8 year old. :)
On a happy note though, while I was at my Pack meeting, my friend Trinity came by and brought me some of Calloway's PUMPKIN BUTTER! MMMMMMMMM... I know what's going to be on MY biscuits in the morning and it ain't strawberry preserves. :) Thanks Trin!
"Mom, what exciting things are you goign to do on your birthday?" I grab a tissue and blew my nose because I'm still deathly sick.
"Well, you've got your Christmas party at school, I have to pick up a cake from the store for the Pack meeting tonight and then we have the Pack meeting."
"That doesn't sound like fun at all."
"Yeah, well, when you get old, you don't live your days for you anymore, it's all about your kids."
"Then I don't want any kids."
HA HA HA! I was so proud of my little narcissistic 8 year old. :)
On a happy note though, while I was at my Pack meeting, my friend Trinity came by and brought me some of Calloway's PUMPKIN BUTTER! MMMMMMMMM... I know what's going to be on MY biscuits in the morning and it ain't strawberry preserves. :) Thanks Trin!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
A sighting of Rudolph
... oh wait... that's ME! Yes, I'm freakin SICK AGAIN! I haven't been this sick since I was a kid. Four major sicknesses in 2007. Good riddance to you man.
Woke up at about 2am on Friday FREEZING to death. Had a 103 fever... I have a horrible cough and think I could start my own snowball factory with as many kleenex as I've gone through... my nose looks like Rudolph. It's so sore.
I literally DO need the nighttime, coughing, sneezing, aching, fever... blah blah blah whatever it was so you can sleep medicine. Unfortunatley, for me stuff like that works for like 2 hours REALLY good and then I'm WIDE awake. Drives me nutso!
I avoided MOPS today because I didn't think anyone wanted to witness (by sight OR sound) me with a continual Kleenex nose blowing episode. Missed them. :( I did go up to the school to help my Wolves conduct the flag take down ceremony. It was great - they did a good job. Everyone wants the job to do something and it's greatness to see them all so eager to help. I wish we had more flags so I could give them a lot more to do! :) But, it's an achievement earned and we'll do it again soon so that the others can get a chance to participate. I sure miss our little Alex since he quit coming.
On another note....tomorrow is my birthday... I hit the big 3-5. Yuck. I think I'm going to go out to Irving and help my mom with the Blue Christmas toy drive if the "gem" that was supposed to have the list compiled for her has it completed. She had 20 or so volunteers ready to gather toys and meals for families but this wonderful woman dropped the ball. Oh ... Lord help them! They're going to be running late now!
Tomorrow is also our Cub Scout Pack meeting... our toy drive... it'll be fun! :)
Woke up at about 2am on Friday FREEZING to death. Had a 103 fever... I have a horrible cough and think I could start my own snowball factory with as many kleenex as I've gone through... my nose looks like Rudolph. It's so sore.
I literally DO need the nighttime, coughing, sneezing, aching, fever... blah blah blah whatever it was so you can sleep medicine. Unfortunatley, for me stuff like that works for like 2 hours REALLY good and then I'm WIDE awake. Drives me nutso!
I avoided MOPS today because I didn't think anyone wanted to witness (by sight OR sound) me with a continual Kleenex nose blowing episode. Missed them. :( I did go up to the school to help my Wolves conduct the flag take down ceremony. It was great - they did a good job. Everyone wants the job to do something and it's greatness to see them all so eager to help. I wish we had more flags so I could give them a lot more to do! :) But, it's an achievement earned and we'll do it again soon so that the others can get a chance to participate. I sure miss our little Alex since he quit coming.
On another note....tomorrow is my birthday... I hit the big 3-5. Yuck. I think I'm going to go out to Irving and help my mom with the Blue Christmas toy drive if the "gem" that was supposed to have the list compiled for her has it completed. She had 20 or so volunteers ready to gather toys and meals for families but this wonderful woman dropped the ball. Oh ... Lord help them! They're going to be running late now!
Tomorrow is also our Cub Scout Pack meeting... our toy drive... it'll be fun! :)
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
A Visit With Mr. C
I took the boys this afternoon to see the Big Guy. The Head Honcho. The Big Cheese. Mr. C. Kris Kringle. The Man in Red... The one, the only, Santa Claus. He was at Bass Pro don't ya know?! Josh had seen him this weekend with his buddy Austin and said that it was the REAL Santa so how can I NOT take him back there to where the REAL Santa was to have his picture taken. If I tried to take him somewhere else with another Santa that looked similar, would he not be curious which one WAS the real deal? I didn't want to confuse him so... I got the boys dressed in the most "holiday-ish" outfits they own that weren't overly dressy -- not "into the whole dressy thing this year" and off we went.

:) NO LINE, NO CROWD... did you hear me people? Mid-December... a visit with Santa... and NO LINE! I would have paid TRIPLE the price for the pictures. This year wasn't like last - Drew was quite excited to see Santa and ask for a race car that goes like this (and he waves his right arm all around). Once on his lap I think he got a little stage fright but once Santa gave him a candy cane, all was good. He smiled at him, didn't look fearful in his photo and when he was finishing up and sliding off his lap, it was just like on A Christmas Story -- when the kid forgot to ask for what he really wanted and climbed back up the slide -- Drew turned around and goes "I want a race car" and quickly walked down the stairs. It was so funny. But it was SO exactly like that movie...

I thought this photo of Drew was hilarious -- looks like... um, did you say naughty, no. IT wasn't me... wasn't me... I didn't do it.

And this is the look that he gives you when he wants something "pwetty pweeze whip soogar an spwinkles on top"

And this is Drew wondering... hmmmm... Santa, how exactly DO YOU define good

Josh has decided he's going to use peppermints in place of his missing teeth.

After we were done visiting with the man in red, we checked out the fish tanks.

They had a pretty cool set-up. Reindeer - alive, no... so I can't decide if I think it's neat or pretty morbid that they have him sitting there with all these dead stuffed deer.
The boys seemed to like it though.

This is my favorite shot of the day.

And this is how to tell your kid is done taking pictures.

Watch out -- a toddler's behidn the wheel!

Mr. Snaggletooth is ready for the chicks.

:) NO LINE, NO CROWD... did you hear me people? Mid-December... a visit with Santa... and NO LINE! I would have paid TRIPLE the price for the pictures. This year wasn't like last - Drew was quite excited to see Santa and ask for a race car that goes like this (and he waves his right arm all around). Once on his lap I think he got a little stage fright but once Santa gave him a candy cane, all was good. He smiled at him, didn't look fearful in his photo and when he was finishing up and sliding off his lap, it was just like on A Christmas Story -- when the kid forgot to ask for what he really wanted and climbed back up the slide -- Drew turned around and goes "I want a race car" and quickly walked down the stairs. It was so funny. But it was SO exactly like that movie...

I thought this photo of Drew was hilarious -- looks like... um, did you say naughty, no. IT wasn't me... wasn't me... I didn't do it.

And this is the look that he gives you when he wants something "pwetty pweeze whip soogar an spwinkles on top"

And this is Drew wondering... hmmmm... Santa, how exactly DO YOU define good

Josh has decided he's going to use peppermints in place of his missing teeth.

After we were done visiting with the man in red, we checked out the fish tanks.

They had a pretty cool set-up. Reindeer - alive, no... so I can't decide if I think it's neat or pretty morbid that they have him sitting there with all these dead stuffed deer.

The boys seemed to like it though.

This is my favorite shot of the day.

And this is how to tell your kid is done taking pictures.

Watch out -- a toddler's behidn the wheel!

Mr. Snaggletooth is ready for the chicks.

Saturday, December 15, 2007
Christmas Carols for the Disturbed
I loved this -- just realized that I never published it - had it saved in "draft" form. So it's publication date is a little late, the laughs, however, will be abundant. :) I'm still dating it December 15th... because that was the INTENTIONAL date of publication.
1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?
2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are
3. Dementia--- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas
4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and.....
6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me
7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
8. Personality Disorder --- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why
9. Attention Deficit Disorder --- Silent night, Holy oooh look at the Froggy - can I have a chocolate, why is France so far away?
10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -- - Jingle Bells,! Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jing le Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle,Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
1. Schizophrenia --- Do You Hear What I Hear?
2. Multiple Personality Disorder --- We Three Kings Disoriented Are
3. Dementia--- I Think I'll be Home for Christmas
4. Narcissistic --- Hark the Herald Angels Sing About Me
5. Manic --- Deck the Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Office and Town and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and.....
6. Paranoid --- Santa Claus is Coming to Town to Get Me
7. Borderline Personality Disorder --- Thoughts of Roasting on an Open Fire
8. Personality Disorder --- You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why
9. Attention Deficit Disorder --- Silent night, Holy oooh look at the Froggy - can I have a chocolate, why is France so far away?
10. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder -- - Jingle Bells,! Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jing le Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle,Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells,
Friday, December 14, 2007
All Aboarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!
I woke up this morning feeling pretty much like death warmed over... Drew was an ANGEL and I literally didn't get out of bed until about 11 a.m. or so. I felt so guilty for keeping Drew contained that I just got dressed, took him to Target to get pajamas (he didn't want any of my cute ones ... he wanted Bat Man, Spiderman, Power Rangers, Superman... so he got no jammies, oh well). I got Josh some cute ones that were "wintery". He liked and appreciated them. :) I don't know many 8 year olds that are all into the whole superhero thing so I was safe.
And face it, you can't ride the Polar Express WITHOUT wearing a pair of pajamas and a fuzzy robe to stay warm! :) It's just gotta be done. I got the boys doubled up for warmth... got them both a robe for a "coat" and off we were..... camera.... tickets. :) Polar Express here we come.

We got there and the parking lot was EMPTY? I was like... yikes. was it canceled? Naah... Laura, Jeff and Gabe showed up. :) Was cute... you wait in this little tent with folding chairs, some girl comes in and does a little show singing some familiar christmas songs.

then they asked all the kids to go up front and sing a song, Josh and drew went hand in hand...and for some reason josh got pushed away or something for one that's a little younger...and was cross-armed and pouting off to the side. Drew, however, was in the middle of the action. Over enunciating his words - it was hilarious... doubtful it's on tape but heck... we'll see.
after that we boarded the train and the conductor came through and punched holes in the tickets for us.... (nothing fancy like the movie).... josh was kind of disappointed at that.. he wanted his to say something like they did in the movie.
So... get on the train...get seated.... get some photos.... get moving... get it going... we're there.

It was fun. It was an experience... it was raining... and cold...and wet.... but all in all ... was a great memory. :)
And face it, you can't ride the Polar Express WITHOUT wearing a pair of pajamas and a fuzzy robe to stay warm! :) It's just gotta be done. I got the boys doubled up for warmth... got them both a robe for a "coat" and off we were..... camera.... tickets. :) Polar Express here we come.

We got there and the parking lot was EMPTY? I was like... yikes. was it canceled? Naah... Laura, Jeff and Gabe showed up. :) Was cute... you wait in this little tent with folding chairs, some girl comes in and does a little show singing some familiar christmas songs.

then they asked all the kids to go up front and sing a song, Josh and drew went hand in hand...and for some reason josh got pushed away or something for one that's a little younger...and was cross-armed and pouting off to the side. Drew, however, was in the middle of the action. Over enunciating his words - it was hilarious... doubtful it's on tape but heck... we'll see.

after that we boarded the train and the conductor came through and punched holes in the tickets for us.... (nothing fancy like the movie).... josh was kind of disappointed at that.. he wanted his to say something like they did in the movie.
So... get on the train...get seated.... get some photos.... get moving... get it going... we're there.

It was fun. It was an experience... it was raining... and cold...and wet.... but all in all ... was a great memory. :)
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Tooth Fairy's entrance...
Monday, my little snaggle tooth (a.k.a. "Josh") lost yet another tooth. OK, he didn't "LOSE" it, he yanked it out, leaving a bloody tissue on my bathroom vanity but that's another story in itself... and the day he chose to yank his pearly white out was a particularly bad day for me. You see, I had spent the better part of two hours making a 53 page book online. I was sorting through a year's worth of photos - carefully selecting just the right ones, cropping them, enhancing them, making them fantabulous... I clicked "save photobook"... and the computer froze. I lost the entire book -- THANKS SNAPFISH for your great "save" feature... IT SUCKS!
Yes, I dropped a few choice words (not within earshot of little ones) but if you were in eavesdropping on my brainwaves, the "f" bomb would have been stuck on eternal repeat. I was devestated. Two hours of my life I just can't get back and it's gone with nothing to show for it but a headache froms taring at the computer monitor that long.
So... toss it up to "get over it"... and I make dinner. Josh yanks his tooth. We eat. Boys to bed. Back to work I go... I did it in less time the second time around because I basically knew what I wanted and just needed to go for it. And "git 'er dun!" AND I DID! And in record time, I must admit. However, in delighting in this success, I just went to bed.... and I totally FORGOT about the tooth! Yes, the tooth fairy failed.
Josh came downstairs Tuesday morning and said, "mom, the tooth fairy forgot again" (yes, notice he said "again" Ok,I'll admit it, I like my sleep -- waiting to insure that a kid is sound asleep so that you can take teeth to leave money isn't high on my priority list but... so... UGH... yes, I had forgotten ONE other time... yee gads, the pressure of being a parent!)
I tried to reassuringly say, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I forgot you'd lost your tooth and I'd set the alarm last night. She probably didn't come because I had the alarm set on the house. Remind me not to set it tonight so that she can come."
So... Tuesday night comes and I DONT forget (I think I deserve a cookie or something) I creep into his room... I sprinkle my fairy dust (i have some irridescent confetti that I leave for tooth fairy dust on his pillow or near wherever he has his tooth pillow that he made), take the tooth, deposit the cash and head for the door.
Wednesday morning, he's in a great mood becaues she came -- he tries to tell me that "she came, but I didn't check the pillow yet"... yeah right! Whatever kid, that's like trying to say that you just walked passed the Christmas tree without noticing the goods Santa left... in your dreams!
So fast forward to tonight... I am in Josh's room giving him a goodnight hug and he...totally out of the blue says, "Mom, I know how the tooth fairy gets in"
Kind of taken by surprise, I just smile and say, "oh really... where"
"the toilet" he gushes...
I immediately start to laugh uncontrollably... he smirks and says, "sometimes you can be so mean" (meaning that he doesn't like that I'm laughing at what he said. He was dead serious. Unfortunatley, it's one of those moments that I simply cannot control it no matter how hard I try. I simply can't quit laughing because that is just the most insane things I'd heard -- ever!
Trying to regain my composure... he smirks kind of realizing how ridiculous that was (I'm HOPING) and I just say, "why in the world would you think that"
He replies, "because I got up to go to the bathroom, and there is fairy dust all over the toilet seat."
"mmmmm-hmmmmm" I say. "Don't you think perhaps that's there because you mayhave gotten up to use the restroom after she came and you just had some on you that then fell to the toilet bowl?"
"Oh no, I didn't go... so that's how she got in."
"Josh, do you realize what goes DOWN that toilet? Do you really want someone coming up out of it... and leaving you something they brought with them?"
freakin... ewwwww..
I don't think he had thought of that. :)
Yes, I dropped a few choice words (not within earshot of little ones) but if you were in eavesdropping on my brainwaves, the "f" bomb would have been stuck on eternal repeat. I was devestated. Two hours of my life I just can't get back and it's gone with nothing to show for it but a headache froms taring at the computer monitor that long.
So... toss it up to "get over it"... and I make dinner. Josh yanks his tooth. We eat. Boys to bed. Back to work I go... I did it in less time the second time around because I basically knew what I wanted and just needed to go for it. And "git 'er dun!" AND I DID! And in record time, I must admit. However, in delighting in this success, I just went to bed.... and I totally FORGOT about the tooth! Yes, the tooth fairy failed.
Josh came downstairs Tuesday morning and said, "mom, the tooth fairy forgot again" (yes, notice he said "again" Ok,I'll admit it, I like my sleep -- waiting to insure that a kid is sound asleep so that you can take teeth to leave money isn't high on my priority list but... so... UGH... yes, I had forgotten ONE other time... yee gads, the pressure of being a parent!)
I tried to reassuringly say, "Oh honey, I'm so sorry. I forgot you'd lost your tooth and I'd set the alarm last night. She probably didn't come because I had the alarm set on the house. Remind me not to set it tonight so that she can come."
So... Tuesday night comes and I DONT forget (I think I deserve a cookie or something) I creep into his room... I sprinkle my fairy dust (i have some irridescent confetti that I leave for tooth fairy dust on his pillow or near wherever he has his tooth pillow that he made), take the tooth, deposit the cash and head for the door.
Wednesday morning, he's in a great mood becaues she came -- he tries to tell me that "she came, but I didn't check the pillow yet"... yeah right! Whatever kid, that's like trying to say that you just walked passed the Christmas tree without noticing the goods Santa left... in your dreams!
So fast forward to tonight... I am in Josh's room giving him a goodnight hug and he...totally out of the blue says, "Mom, I know how the tooth fairy gets in"
Kind of taken by surprise, I just smile and say, "oh really... where"
"the toilet" he gushes...
I immediately start to laugh uncontrollably... he smirks and says, "sometimes you can be so mean" (meaning that he doesn't like that I'm laughing at what he said. He was dead serious. Unfortunatley, it's one of those moments that I simply cannot control it no matter how hard I try. I simply can't quit laughing because that is just the most insane things I'd heard -- ever!
Trying to regain my composure... he smirks kind of realizing how ridiculous that was (I'm HOPING) and I just say, "why in the world would you think that"
He replies, "because I got up to go to the bathroom, and there is fairy dust all over the toilet seat."
"mmmmm-hmmmmm" I say. "Don't you think perhaps that's there because you mayhave gotten up to use the restroom after she came and you just had some on you that then fell to the toilet bowl?"
"Oh no, I didn't go... so that's how she got in."
"Josh, do you realize what goes DOWN that toilet? Do you really want someone coming up out of it... and leaving you something they brought with them?"
freakin... ewwwww..
I don't think he had thought of that. :)
Monday, December 10, 2007
Nickels and Dimes
Do you ever feel like the good tidings and cheer literally get sucked out of your ho ho ho holiday spirit by being nickeled and dimed to death? I'm involved in a few groups... church, 2 MOPS groups, playgroup, a mom's league, scouts, preschool, elementary school, children, family, santa... so lets break it down...
1. church -- of course you should give with a grateful and thankful heart to your church and your God. This one goes without thinking. The church, of course, has their outreach ministries that provide for the less fortunate during this time of year.
2. MOPS group #1 - Christmas party with gift exchange ($10-15) and food... doing a food drive for a food pantry... gift collection for a mom that has experienced a really hard year
3. MOPS group #2 - Christmas party with gift exchange - and our group was to provide the beverages for the next meeting
4. playgroup - Christmas party with nice gift exchange ($10-15 for gift) plus $10-15 for catering fee
5. Mom's League - Christmas party with the kids... fundraiser angel tree for needy children (last time I received an angel from this tree -- it was for an older child who asked for a Nintendo Gameboy DS, a computer and ... I forget the brand label of coat but it was well, over $100 for just the coat... the gameboy DS was $150 and a computer..?? I mean.. get outta town kid!)
6. You've got your christmas cards and depending on where you get those they're anywhere from 90 cents to $2 each plus 41 cents postage per card
7. You get a Christmas card with your paper and a preprinted return envelope from the carrier ... ??? didn't you ELECT to deliver papers?
8. Preschool - Christmas party for kids with gift exchange, provide some food, gifts for both his teachers
9. Elementary school - Christmas party for class, gift for teacher, the school is organizing some kind of teacher holiday lunch and they're wanting 21 people to bake 4 dozen cookies each so the teachers can have a cookie exchange to take home with them... I won't even bake that much for MY family... and asking for some people to buy cactus for the centerpieces (no idea what that's about) and something else... oh, they need volunteers to man the room for 2 hours or so so that the teachers can go attend the lunch... the school is also having a toy drive for the community storehouse and some kind of other financial donation-driven drive
10. Scouts - they're having a toy drive
11. Santa - yes, we have to provide those few gifts from the guy in red which puts an added burden on the Christmas budget
12. Family - you want to provide a little something to family (grandparents and children that are in immediate family) to let them know you're thinking of them...
13. Add on top of that all the requests for financial donations at this time of year that ocme in the mail... it just get completely overwhelming...
Please tell me I'm not the only one that has the guilt of wanting to help people but... since I let the "guilt" get to me... I jsut said no to a lot of the extra-cir. things this year... no christmas parties with gift exchanges that are for "MY" benefit. Does anyone else jsut feel like you get continually nickeled and dimed to death?
1. church -- of course you should give with a grateful and thankful heart to your church and your God. This one goes without thinking. The church, of course, has their outreach ministries that provide for the less fortunate during this time of year.
2. MOPS group #1 - Christmas party with gift exchange ($10-15) and food... doing a food drive for a food pantry... gift collection for a mom that has experienced a really hard year
3. MOPS group #2 - Christmas party with gift exchange - and our group was to provide the beverages for the next meeting
4. playgroup - Christmas party with nice gift exchange ($10-15 for gift) plus $10-15 for catering fee
5. Mom's League - Christmas party with the kids... fundraiser angel tree for needy children (last time I received an angel from this tree -- it was for an older child who asked for a Nintendo Gameboy DS, a computer and ... I forget the brand label of coat but it was well, over $100 for just the coat... the gameboy DS was $150 and a computer..?? I mean.. get outta town kid!)
6. You've got your christmas cards and depending on where you get those they're anywhere from 90 cents to $2 each plus 41 cents postage per card
7. You get a Christmas card with your paper and a preprinted return envelope from the carrier ... ??? didn't you ELECT to deliver papers?
8. Preschool - Christmas party for kids with gift exchange, provide some food, gifts for both his teachers
9. Elementary school - Christmas party for class, gift for teacher, the school is organizing some kind of teacher holiday lunch and they're wanting 21 people to bake 4 dozen cookies each so the teachers can have a cookie exchange to take home with them... I won't even bake that much for MY family... and asking for some people to buy cactus for the centerpieces (no idea what that's about) and something else... oh, they need volunteers to man the room for 2 hours or so so that the teachers can go attend the lunch... the school is also having a toy drive for the community storehouse and some kind of other financial donation-driven drive
10. Scouts - they're having a toy drive
11. Santa - yes, we have to provide those few gifts from the guy in red which puts an added burden on the Christmas budget
12. Family - you want to provide a little something to family (grandparents and children that are in immediate family) to let them know you're thinking of them...
13. Add on top of that all the requests for financial donations at this time of year that ocme in the mail... it just get completely overwhelming...
Please tell me I'm not the only one that has the guilt of wanting to help people but... since I let the "guilt" get to me... I jsut said no to a lot of the extra-cir. things this year... no christmas parties with gift exchanges that are for "MY" benefit. Does anyone else jsut feel like you get continually nickeled and dimed to death?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
The Quest for the Perfect Christmas Picture Pose
If you know me, you know, I'm beyond anal retentive about certain things. I'm just completely bizarre about others but one thing I AM completely about is for my photos for my christmas card pictures -- they just HAVE to be cute. So I got this GREAT idea in my head that I was going to put the boys in the bath tub, fill it with bubbles, let them don a Santa's cap, grab handfulls of bubbles to make beards they'd lean in with these engaging, innocent smiles and BAM -- I'd have THE perfect shot which would, in turn, make THE perfect Christmas card. Did it happen? Oh heck no, are you kidding me?! :)
However, I did still get some cute shots... you'll just have to figure out which ones are the ones on your card! :)

However, I did still get some cute shots... you'll just have to figure out which ones are the ones on your card! :)

Has THIS ever happened to you?
$hit happens -- they say that for a reason... because, frankly, it does. I just don't expect it on my floor. Yeah, that's right, you heard me... let me start at the beginning...
I was sitting down to enjoy a HOT dinner... a nice, juicy steak that's been cooked to perfection, some yummy seasoned brown rice hot steamed broccoli with ooey gooey cheese, crunchy hot toasty garlic cheese bread...
when you get that "something's missing" feeling. I holler for Drew and you hear this faint, muffled noise... something so undiscernable that you just have to go check it out as you don't even know where it's coming from so... away from the table I flew like a flash (ha ha... ok, I won't set this to rhyme... as it'd totally ruin the real story for the rest of you)
So I walk in the bathroom... not the one in the hall next to the family room closest to where I am... but no, the one that's through my darkened bedroom, in my even darker bathroom and there he is in the potty chair. :) Great right? No. I'm thinking... hurry up and poop so I can wipe your "bo hiney" and I can move past this moment and actually enjoy my meal.
Drew, are you done?
No, not yet.
.... chitter chatter.... chitter chatter.... blah blah blah
are you done yet?
No, not yet.
then he stands up and proceeds to walk to the toilet like a penguin because his pants are still pulled down to the bottom of his legs... and then it hits me like a ton of lead.
Drew... were you on the little potty (I've been encouraging him to use the "big" potty instead of the potty chair because they're just so gross to have to clean out)
when you're ON the little potty, don't you need to make sure that THIS is IN IT? (see me, mom, holding up the TOILET BOWL thing? And I hold it up... I then look down at the floor in my bathroom... pull up the toilet "chair" and yes, there in my floor is my son's bowel movement, pee... all ready for me to now clean up....
freakin GROSS.
I, of course, have to take off his pants because pee, unlike solid, doesn't STAY where you put it so his socks are now saturated... and there's a visible little snail trail across the floor because his 100% cotton socks absorb it like sponges... so strip him from the waist down to say "Mommy is NOT happy about this. The little potty chair is NOW going bye bye... you WILL use the big potty from now on."
his reaction -- cover his eyes. Apparently if he can't see me, it makes the action nullified and therefore, he's no longer in trouble.
so yes... I was spraying Clorox bleach cleaner on my floor and cleaning up ... good grief how DOES that child hold that much? That was unbelievable.
As a scrapper, I thought, you know, I SHOULD have taken a picture just to HAUNT him about this when he's old but ... freakin ewww... even I have my limits on that!
(after washing my hands... dinner was still warm) :)
I was sitting down to enjoy a HOT dinner... a nice, juicy steak that's been cooked to perfection, some yummy seasoned brown rice hot steamed broccoli with ooey gooey cheese, crunchy hot toasty garlic cheese bread...
when you get that "something's missing" feeling. I holler for Drew and you hear this faint, muffled noise... something so undiscernable that you just have to go check it out as you don't even know where it's coming from so... away from the table I flew like a flash (ha ha... ok, I won't set this to rhyme... as it'd totally ruin the real story for the rest of you)
So I walk in the bathroom... not the one in the hall next to the family room closest to where I am... but no, the one that's through my darkened bedroom, in my even darker bathroom and there he is in the potty chair. :) Great right? No. I'm thinking... hurry up and poop so I can wipe your "bo hiney" and I can move past this moment and actually enjoy my meal.
Drew, are you done?
No, not yet.
.... chitter chatter.... chitter chatter.... blah blah blah
are you done yet?
No, not yet.
then he stands up and proceeds to walk to the toilet like a penguin because his pants are still pulled down to the bottom of his legs... and then it hits me like a ton of lead.
Drew... were you on the little potty (I've been encouraging him to use the "big" potty instead of the potty chair because they're just so gross to have to clean out)
when you're ON the little potty, don't you need to make sure that THIS is IN IT? (see me, mom, holding up the TOILET BOWL thing? And I hold it up... I then look down at the floor in my bathroom... pull up the toilet "chair" and yes, there in my floor is my son's bowel movement, pee... all ready for me to now clean up....
freakin GROSS.
I, of course, have to take off his pants because pee, unlike solid, doesn't STAY where you put it so his socks are now saturated... and there's a visible little snail trail across the floor because his 100% cotton socks absorb it like sponges... so strip him from the waist down to say "Mommy is NOT happy about this. The little potty chair is NOW going bye bye... you WILL use the big potty from now on."
his reaction -- cover his eyes. Apparently if he can't see me, it makes the action nullified and therefore, he's no longer in trouble.
so yes... I was spraying Clorox bleach cleaner on my floor and cleaning up ... good grief how DOES that child hold that much? That was unbelievable.
As a scrapper, I thought, you know, I SHOULD have taken a picture just to HAUNT him about this when he's old but ... freakin ewww... even I have my limits on that!
(after washing my hands... dinner was still warm) :)
Slacker with pictures
12/8: I just added pics to 11/11/07 :) I actually think the pics are better than the story... so check 'em out! :)
12/5: OK...so I JUST added 3 pictures for 10/31/07 (you'll have to go back to the archives to see) but I'll keep THIS post current ... and just tell you... hey, you want to see the kids from Halloween -- go read up in October! :) I'll be adding more soon!
12/5: OK...so I JUST added 3 pictures for 10/31/07 (you'll have to go back to the archives to see) but I'll keep THIS post current ... and just tell you... hey, you want to see the kids from Halloween -- go read up in October! :) I'll be adding more soon!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Holiday Happiness
I love children's Christmas programs. I think it's so sad that because of all the political B.S. (is there ANY other way to put it) how the 3% of the population that don't believe get their way... and now public schools have no Christmas anything anymore... UGH.... ok, sorry, I digress. The public education system is a complete joke and worthy of a blog of its very own... so let's go to a new paragraph.
You hear these beautiful, innocent, angelic voices raised in worship to this magnificent King of Kings born in the most humble of locations... Christmas programs, of any sort, just move my heart... move my very soul. When you think of what a magical night it is that we celebrate -- but I can't even imagine what kind of night it was for Mary -- giving birth to a baby ... in the cold stable. Ugh. The songs, being sung by voices that have yet to be tarnished by the P.C. world, just moves me to tears... because it's that innocenct belief that we should be so lucky to possess.
Anyway... so I was at Drew's school for his school's Holiday Share Time. :) (Christmas program). As the auditorium filled with the clases one by one, parents filled the aisles snapping tons of pictures... :) Drew wouldn't be left out of that group... I love the candid shot of he and Austin -- they would turn into the stars of the show.
The first class of 3 year olds went up to sing (they really should have had huge microphones hanging over the little choir area so that you could actually HEAR the children sing without straining your ears like you're trying to hear some little no-see-um do a thirty-minute monologue). It was so adorable and it left me wanting to hear my little man up there singing his heart out. So, after the first class was up and down, it was time for Drew's class. They rose from their pew and started approaching the front of the sanctuary risers. He stepped up on the first step. He stepped up on the second riser.
Um excuse me... does anyone notice my son -- the little Mr. Drew... is heading to the top riser? There has to be some mistake... excuse me, anyone with a brain? What is Drew doing on the TOP RISER? This has E.R. visit written all over it...and surely if he's going down, he'll be taking someone with him.
....They sang "God is So Good", Jolly Old St. Nicholas and Jingle Bells. OK... well, his CLASS was SUPPOSED to sing those.... I think, collectively, he may have sung one song. He and his buddy Austin were haming it up on the top tier of the risers. It was quite the show... Drew wasn't engaging in the songs, but he was paying attention until his little partner in crime (Austin -- his best friend in class) would poke him and motion like - "look at me"... Drew would look away and he'd get more poke, poke, poke, prod... I was wondering when Drew was going to deck him and I am SO thankful that he didn't. After their 3rd song, Drew finally did some major arm action and you hear this wave of laughter roll through the audience. :) Yes, I was so proud... that I got it on video to hold over him later in life! :) One of these days I WILL find out how to get that up on here. :)
Once their class was finished with their third song, they sat down and then wait for one other class to sing and then all 3 classes came up to sing one last song together. They were smart here, Drew was at the BOTTOM on the left (yes, that's him with the shoes so white they look perhaps liek they're radioactive or something). Just to answer your question, no, they don't come with a battery. :) See..someone heard me... I used the Jedi Mommy Mind Trick. :)
Then that's when the true wait had begun - the had to wait for 3 more classes to do their songs and their collective song before the whole shin dig was over. And boy did Drew get bored... the pew he was originally seated in was teacher - child - child - drew - child - child ... then it was teacher - drew - child - child ... then it was drew - teacher - child - child .... LOL and when he got bored, yes... he got bored. Bored like watching paint dry or trying to read a foreign language dictionary bored....you can barely make out his little arm hanging over the pew and his little head laying on his arm for support. I just thought this picture is so typical of kids in church...
You hear these beautiful, innocent, angelic voices raised in worship to this magnificent King of Kings born in the most humble of locations... Christmas programs, of any sort, just move my heart... move my very soul. When you think of what a magical night it is that we celebrate -- but I can't even imagine what kind of night it was for Mary -- giving birth to a baby ... in the cold stable. Ugh. The songs, being sung by voices that have yet to be tarnished by the P.C. world, just moves me to tears... because it's that innocenct belief that we should be so lucky to possess.
Anyway... so I was at Drew's school for his school's Holiday Share Time. :) (Christmas program). As the auditorium filled with the clases one by one, parents filled the aisles snapping tons of pictures... :) Drew wouldn't be left out of that group... I love the candid shot of he and Austin -- they would turn into the stars of the show.

Um excuse me... does anyone notice my son -- the little Mr. Drew... is heading to the top riser? There has to be some mistake... excuse me, anyone with a brain? What is Drew doing on the TOP RISER? This has E.R. visit written all over it...and surely if he's going down, he'll be taking someone with him.
....They sang "God is So Good", Jolly Old St. Nicholas and Jingle Bells. OK... well, his CLASS was SUPPOSED to sing those.... I think, collectively, he may have sung one song. He and his buddy Austin were haming it up on the top tier of the risers. It was quite the show... Drew wasn't engaging in the songs, but he was paying attention until his little partner in crime (Austin -- his best friend in class) would poke him and motion like - "look at me"... Drew would look away and he'd get more poke, poke, poke, prod... I was wondering when Drew was going to deck him and I am SO thankful that he didn't. After their 3rd song, Drew finally did some major arm action and you hear this wave of laughter roll through the audience. :) Yes, I was so proud... that I got it on video to hold over him later in life! :) One of these days I WILL find out how to get that up on here. :)
Once their class was finished with their third song, they sat down and then wait for one other class to sing and then all 3 classes came up to sing one last song together. They were smart here, Drew was at the BOTTOM on the left (yes, that's him with the shoes so white they look perhaps liek they're radioactive or something). Just to answer your question, no, they don't come with a battery. :) See..someone heard me... I used the Jedi Mommy Mind Trick. :)

Then that's when the true wait had begun - the had to wait for 3 more classes to do their songs and their collective song before the whole shin dig was over. And boy did Drew get bored... the pew he was originally seated in was teacher - child - child - drew - child - child ... then it was teacher - drew - child - child ... then it was drew - teacher - child - child .... LOL and when he got bored, yes... he got bored. Bored like watching paint dry or trying to read a foreign language dictionary bored....you can barely make out his little arm hanging over the pew and his little head laying on his arm for support. I just thought this picture is so typical of kids in church...

Sunday, December 2, 2007
If you don't like the weather in Texas, wait 10 minutes
Okay, so ten minutes is a tad excessive but seriously, the weather here is just NUTS. Yesterday, today... it was HOT and HUMID and YUCK... pushing 80 in DECEMBER?! IT's hard to get in the ho ho ho spirit when you're wearing SHORTS and flip flops!
Then Drew goes down for his nap and WHOOSH this wind comes in and BAM... the wind chill is at 48 degrees.
Don't get me wrong, this girl LOVES the cold and all things chilly but it'd be nice to get more than 3 hours to climatize.
OH well, beggers can't be choosers huh? gonna go throw on some flannel jammies and open the window in the bedroom... and turn on the electric blanket. Ha!
Then Drew goes down for his nap and WHOOSH this wind comes in and BAM... the wind chill is at 48 degrees.
Don't get me wrong, this girl LOVES the cold and all things chilly but it'd be nice to get more than 3 hours to climatize.
OH well, beggers can't be choosers huh? gonna go throw on some flannel jammies and open the window in the bedroom... and turn on the electric blanket. Ha!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Dallas Christmas Children's Parade
Up early, eat breakfast, get dressed, coats or no coats, the chance of rain is in the air, who cares, we're going.. got the camera? check... got the stroller? Ooops... nope... do now. Check. Got snacks. Check. Got drinks. Check. Binkie. Check... OK.. now where the HECK are we going! Ha! :) ok
We head to downtown Dallas for the famed Adolphus Children's Christmas Parade. Note to self, next year, get a reserved seat in the bleachers. Ok. Done deal. :)
We find a corner that's not too terribly crowded and a curb we could stand on to have a 12" advantage over those in front of us.
I lent Josh the camera for many of the floats... so the photo quality, or lack of photos, for that matter, does not lie in myhands (thank God... been taking really crappy pictures lately for some reason) :)
Drew was fine...shoulders, stroller, stand, shoulders, stroller, stand... same thing with Josh... whew...talk about a heavy load for the day. :) It was worth it though, they loved it. :)

I thought this was the grinch at first -- um... no stupid old lady, it's the Hulk... oops,sorry kid, let me get my bifocals on.

This is by far, my favorite shot
We head to downtown Dallas for the famed Adolphus Children's Christmas Parade. Note to self, next year, get a reserved seat in the bleachers. Ok. Done deal. :)
We find a corner that's not too terribly crowded and a curb we could stand on to have a 12" advantage over those in front of us.
I lent Josh the camera for many of the floats... so the photo quality, or lack of photos, for that matter, does not lie in myhands (thank God... been taking really crappy pictures lately for some reason) :)
Drew was fine...shoulders, stroller, stand, shoulders, stroller, stand... same thing with Josh... whew...talk about a heavy load for the day. :) It was worth it though, they loved it. :)

I thought this was the grinch at first -- um... no stupid old lady, it's the Hulk... oops,sorry kid, let me get my bifocals on.

This is by far, my favorite shot

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Josh's "whatever it was called" anniversary
Isn't it horrible I don't even remember if it was a baptism, blessing or christening... I'm thinking christening but I'll have to check the invites to be 100% sure. :) But it's the anniversary of doing "that" to Josh... his Godmother, Laurie Pezzot in Ohio, sent me an e-mail for him and I thought, you know that'd make a good blog....the story of his "whatever it was called"
His father and I were in Ohio... it was quite a big to do. Bob's old pastor from his childhood was the one that performed the ceremony. We had this whole schedule of events... they were going to do this... then this... then this... then a song... and then we were to come forward... then this... then that... and wham bam... we eat. Well, they STARTED the song... and then this little bundle of wonder started turning bright red, gritting his gums and blowing bubbles in his diaper. Yes, he was quite busy. Unfortunatley it was a quite an old church so they didn't exactly have the Koala changing stations in the bathroom so I'm on the cold tile floor, in HOSE in my dress hoping he finishes up in time... I had two peple at the door -- one Doc Nehls telling me -- the song's almost up... time to for you start walking forward -- I was like... well, the song may be up but HE isn't. We walked out JUST as the song ended... it was completely divine intervention that we made it out of there in time. What a mess. I think I must have used 50 wipes... you know how breast fed babies are. So... my little joke about the whole situation was that Josh had to make some room for Jesus. :)
It was a nice ceremony... afterwards, everyone stayed at the church and we ate, they brought gifts -- I still have many of them.... loved the little blanket someone knit for him... his bible, a ceramic cross that used to be above his door...
they all wanted to pass him around and hold him but he kept getting fussier and fussier and fussier so I finally was like, lets check your diaper again and his poor little rump was BRIGHT RED... no wonder everytime someone held him and started to pat his little rear he started to cry.... just made it worse...
It was a nice day... I'll have to dig out the pictures and scrap a few pages while the memories are fresh in my mind (awwww.. heck who am I kidding ... it's blogged now so at least I don't HAVE to remember it) :)
I'm glad he made room for Jesus... now I just need to remember to make that a priority in his life every day...
His father and I were in Ohio... it was quite a big to do. Bob's old pastor from his childhood was the one that performed the ceremony. We had this whole schedule of events... they were going to do this... then this... then this... then a song... and then we were to come forward... then this... then that... and wham bam... we eat. Well, they STARTED the song... and then this little bundle of wonder started turning bright red, gritting his gums and blowing bubbles in his diaper. Yes, he was quite busy. Unfortunatley it was a quite an old church so they didn't exactly have the Koala changing stations in the bathroom so I'm on the cold tile floor, in HOSE in my dress hoping he finishes up in time... I had two peple at the door -- one Doc Nehls telling me -- the song's almost up... time to for you start walking forward -- I was like... well, the song may be up but HE isn't. We walked out JUST as the song ended... it was completely divine intervention that we made it out of there in time. What a mess. I think I must have used 50 wipes... you know how breast fed babies are. So... my little joke about the whole situation was that Josh had to make some room for Jesus. :)
It was a nice ceremony... afterwards, everyone stayed at the church and we ate, they brought gifts -- I still have many of them.... loved the little blanket someone knit for him... his bible, a ceramic cross that used to be above his door...
they all wanted to pass him around and hold him but he kept getting fussier and fussier and fussier so I finally was like, lets check your diaper again and his poor little rump was BRIGHT RED... no wonder everytime someone held him and started to pat his little rear he started to cry.... just made it worse...
It was a nice day... I'll have to dig out the pictures and scrap a few pages while the memories are fresh in my mind (awwww.. heck who am I kidding ... it's blogged now so at least I don't HAVE to remember it) :)
I'm glad he made room for Jesus... now I just need to remember to make that a priority in his life every day...
A Conversation with Superman
Drew is in a costume stage right now -- not really wanting to take them off -- EVER. His pajamas today are Superman (with a really cool detachable cape)... with all the pending hooplah, we're having a pizza for lunch. It's Digornio, not delivery! :) Ha..
Anyway, when the timer went off I announced the pizza was ready so Drew went scurrying to get the wooden stool from the bathroom so he could stand at the counter watching me cut it into bites for him.
He leaned over and kissed my upper arm. I said, "why thank you" then he proceeded to tell me the terms of his kiss "now you kiss me."
"ok" so I leaned over and kissed him on the back of the head... "no no... kiss my cheek"
He smiled, said "thank you" and proceeded to lean on the counter to watch my masterful skillz with the pizza cutter.... then I saw him wipe his cheek as if I'd just slobbered on him like a St. Bernard. I said, "you're wiping off my kisses? But those are Mommy kisses and they're special"
his reply?
"they're not special, they're nasty."
woooo wooo wooo sweet child of mine...
"...Just keep swimming swimming swimming...What do we do we swim, swim, swim..."
Anyway, when the timer went off I announced the pizza was ready so Drew went scurrying to get the wooden stool from the bathroom so he could stand at the counter watching me cut it into bites for him.
He leaned over and kissed my upper arm. I said, "why thank you" then he proceeded to tell me the terms of his kiss "now you kiss me."
"ok" so I leaned over and kissed him on the back of the head... "no no... kiss my cheek"
He smiled, said "thank you" and proceeded to lean on the counter to watch my masterful skillz with the pizza cutter.... then I saw him wipe his cheek as if I'd just slobbered on him like a St. Bernard. I said, "you're wiping off my kisses? But those are Mommy kisses and they're special"
his reply?
"they're not special, they're nasty."
woooo wooo wooo sweet child of mine...
"...Just keep swimming swimming swimming...What do we do we swim, swim, swim..."
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Why We Love Thanksgiving...
I got this e-mail from a friend of mine today and thought it was definitely worth sharing!
Why we love Thanksgiving, the best holiday of 'em all.
by Mitch Albom
I'll take Thanksgiving.
You can have Halloween, New Year's, Christmas, Fourth of July, Easter, Hanukkah and any day dedicated to presidents. You can stack them all up on one side, and the turkey and I will stand on the other. I'll take Thanksgiving.
It is, to me, exactly what a holiday should be. For one thing, there are no gifts. You never have to worry about what to get someone for Thanksgiving or how much to spend. There are no lectures about "greed" or "commercialization" or how we're "forgetting the spirit" of Thanksgiving. No way. The spirit of Thanksgiving is eating. Who could forget that?
Secondly, it comes with football. What other holiday does that? New Year's Day? But at least with Thanksgiving, you don't have a hangover.
There is no "right" place to go on Thanksgiving except home. There is no church or synagogue. No graves that must be visited. No trekking out to watch fireworks. You just sit on the couch, or sit at the table, and you laugh and eat and laugh and burp and ta-da you are credited with knowing the "true meaning" of the holiday.
Also, it comes with a parade.
Did I mention the dressing? Not the turkey dressing. The human dressing. There isn't any! Oh, sure, maybe you put on a nice pair of pants. Maybe. But who really dresses up for Thanksgiving? You can celebrate in a sweatshirt. Can you say that about New Year's Eve? Not unless you're a lonely, pathetic loser.
And Thanksgiving doesn't require some smarty-pants history known only by your geeky cousin from Baltimore. Uh-uh. There's no quoting Lincoln or Washington. No reading from the Declaration of Independence. What do you need to know about Thanksgiving? The Pilgrims and the Indians had dinner. Pass the gravy.
Thanksgiving never moves. It is always on a Thursday, strategically placed so that you might as well take off Friday as well, since Saturday and Sunday are next, and, while you're at it, maybe half of Wednesday just to pick up everyone from the airport. Thanksgiving gets you half a week off. What does Labor Day get you? Monday?
And there is no shopping on Thanksgiving, unlike Memorial Day or Presidents Day. Sure, there are Thanksgiving sales, but you do them on FRIDAY! How cool is that?
Also, there are no masks. You don't beg for candy from strangers. And nobody eggs your house.
Tell me there's anything better than a meal that goes all night, that doesn't have an event tied to it, that doesn't come with a bill at the end.
Tell me there's anything better than only having to catch up with your aunts, uncles and cousins to feel like you did the holiday proud.
Tell me there's anything easier than passing plates.
Tell me there's any better place to appreciate what you have than in a kitchen filled with good smells.
Tell me there's a better invention than "the kids' table."
And what holiday not only condones but pretty much expects you to fall asleep on the couch?
So let's sum up. No costumes, no presents, no services, no tuxedoes, no time limit, no guilt trips, and all the food, naps and football you want.
I'll take Thanksgiving. After all, no one tries to sit on the turkey's lap and ask for an X-box.
Why we love Thanksgiving, the best holiday of 'em all.
by Mitch Albom
I'll take Thanksgiving.
You can have Halloween, New Year's, Christmas, Fourth of July, Easter, Hanukkah and any day dedicated to presidents. You can stack them all up on one side, and the turkey and I will stand on the other. I'll take Thanksgiving.
It is, to me, exactly what a holiday should be. For one thing, there are no gifts. You never have to worry about what to get someone for Thanksgiving or how much to spend. There are no lectures about "greed" or "commercialization" or how we're "forgetting the spirit" of Thanksgiving. No way. The spirit of Thanksgiving is eating. Who could forget that?
Secondly, it comes with football. What other holiday does that? New Year's Day? But at least with Thanksgiving, you don't have a hangover.
There is no "right" place to go on Thanksgiving except home. There is no church or synagogue. No graves that must be visited. No trekking out to watch fireworks. You just sit on the couch, or sit at the table, and you laugh and eat and laugh and burp and ta-da you are credited with knowing the "true meaning" of the holiday.
Also, it comes with a parade.
Did I mention the dressing? Not the turkey dressing. The human dressing. There isn't any! Oh, sure, maybe you put on a nice pair of pants. Maybe. But who really dresses up for Thanksgiving? You can celebrate in a sweatshirt. Can you say that about New Year's Eve? Not unless you're a lonely, pathetic loser.
And Thanksgiving doesn't require some smarty-pants history known only by your geeky cousin from Baltimore. Uh-uh. There's no quoting Lincoln or Washington. No reading from the Declaration of Independence. What do you need to know about Thanksgiving? The Pilgrims and the Indians had dinner. Pass the gravy.
Thanksgiving never moves. It is always on a Thursday, strategically placed so that you might as well take off Friday as well, since Saturday and Sunday are next, and, while you're at it, maybe half of Wednesday just to pick up everyone from the airport. Thanksgiving gets you half a week off. What does Labor Day get you? Monday?
And there is no shopping on Thanksgiving, unlike Memorial Day or Presidents Day. Sure, there are Thanksgiving sales, but you do them on FRIDAY! How cool is that?
Also, there are no masks. You don't beg for candy from strangers. And nobody eggs your house.
Tell me there's anything better than a meal that goes all night, that doesn't have an event tied to it, that doesn't come with a bill at the end.
Tell me there's anything better than only having to catch up with your aunts, uncles and cousins to feel like you did the holiday proud.
Tell me there's anything easier than passing plates.
Tell me there's any better place to appreciate what you have than in a kitchen filled with good smells.
Tell me there's a better invention than "the kids' table."
And what holiday not only condones but pretty much expects you to fall asleep on the couch?
So let's sum up. No costumes, no presents, no services, no tuxedoes, no time limit, no guilt trips, and all the food, naps and football you want.
I'll take Thanksgiving. After all, no one tries to sit on the turkey's lap and ask for an X-box.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Room Mom Nazis
This post is like a year over-due for my monologuish tendencies when I have a rant about something. I was talking to my friend Gwen about it so I decided you know, it's worthy of a rant. So, here's the deal:
Last year when my son, Joshua, started first grade at public school, I joined the ranks of the proud room moms across the nation. When they had the initial yearly planning meeting to let those of us new to the entire "clique" of room moms in on how it's done and what was in store, they chose to do this meeting at a park... that has a 2 story play area for big kids... ??? I had an 18 month old...are you following me here? I responded back that I'd come (because I was supposed to be there) but I didn't think that it would be a very frutitious effort on my part because I'm sure I'd spend the better part of the meeting chasing my son on the playground.
I got there and sure 'nuff, he headed right to the playground... I redirected and was able to join in a few minutes of the meeting... some of these moms were really just letting their kids run crazy with no supervision... it was very nerve racking!
They got to the discussion of the "holiday parties" -- I HATE that you can't call them Christmas parties anymore. I hate political correctness, it sucks the fun out of everything. over 90% of the population is Christian but we are such a bunch of wussies that the miniscule 10% gets their way... somethings' wrong when we try to say that majority rules but it really doesn't... what a bunch of hypocrites we are! -- anyways... they said for the craft -- all the classes had to do the same thing because that way it was fair and equitable (since when does everything in life have to be fair and equitable)? so the craft they were goign to do was tie dye t-shirts. I just sat there while everyone was just listening and not peeping a word. Apparently, I was the only one that was like... ?? hello, HOW are you going to do tie dye shirts at a school party? Oh no, you don't dye the shirts at school, the craft is that you let the kids have a t-shirt and put the rubber bands on them... then the room mom takes the shirts home and dyes them. I just sat there and smiled shaking my head up and down until she paused and then started shaking it in disagreement and retorted, "that's not a craft... that's rubberbands... and I'm not dying shirts." You would have thought that I dropped an "F-bomb" in church the way their heads spun around to look at me... how DARE I challenge the way it's always been done... this wonderful idea of a craft for the Holiday party -- can you tell me what part of putting rubber bands on a plain white Hanes t-shirt is "holiday-ish?" My thoughts exactly. So then I proceeded to continue to question this ingenious, creative-laden, holiday inspired craft with "how are you going to get the t-shirts back to the kids? Are you going to have them write their names on the tags inside?" And the reply was, "oh they don't get back the one they made... they just get back a t-shirt" -- sure, lets teach them about fraud in the first grade -- hopefully they'll all get a job at a bank or as a gemologist or better yet, a politician!
By that time, Drew had doddled over to the large kid play area -- you know the kind with the 2nd story drop offs to a fireman pole-type-serious-bodily-injury-adult-supervision-required play area. Off I went... I'm sure they had some choice words to say in my absence... I basically stayed there for a play date at the park with my son while the rest of the meeting was being carried out.
Once I realized things were wrapping up, I scooped up my kiddo and headed to the master planning table and said politely, "so, someone is going to e-mail a synopsis of this meeting to those of us that didn't make it or that were busy supervising our children right?" And again -- the were in shock that the bride of Frankenstein had spoken. I got a hasty synopsis that I was supposed to memorize with a dash of attitude and an ounce of contempt. It was my first official welcome into this secret society.
.... fast forward a month or so....
Josh comes home with his class t-shirt (another mom in the room graciously agreed to labor to dye them since I didn't sign up to do that when I'd already PAID for a SCHOOL T-SHIRT!?!? WTH is wrong with the t-shirts the school had PROFESSIONALLY made? Just request that parents buy those??? I mean, they're living in a ritzy school district anyway... don't tell me they can't afford a $10 t-shirt for field trips!?!) ANYWAY.... so he comes home with this shirt that is NOT the size that we'd requested, and it is LIGHT LAVENDER TIE DYE? And, all kidding aside, I looked at Josh and said, "What the hell is that?" He just started laughing and said "my class t-shirt" to which I replied, "but it's light purple... it's a girl color... yo'ure not wearing that" and he said, "we're supposed to wear them next Tuesday for a school field trip."
Do you know what I did with that shirt? I threw it away. I told my son about the battle, the war, the reasoning, the fraud, and the fact that it was 2 sizes too small because they didn't give hi mback the size we'd paid for... I said, if you have a field trip, you can wear your school shirt that I bought and paid for... I'm not sending you to school in a lavender tie-dye shirt. He just smiled... said "okay... giggled" and then said "good". :)
Seriously, if I feel the need to get my son in touch with his feminine side I'll play some Barry Manilow for him and we'll move on.
Teaching my kid to fight the good fight.... and hoping someone has a better idea for this year's holiday "craft"
... sidebar -- by the way, the field trip was post-poned due to inclement weather...twice... then canceled so they never needed them anyway! :) Hee hee hee... I think that's called divine intervention -- or karma
Last year when my son, Joshua, started first grade at public school, I joined the ranks of the proud room moms across the nation. When they had the initial yearly planning meeting to let those of us new to the entire "clique" of room moms in on how it's done and what was in store, they chose to do this meeting at a park... that has a 2 story play area for big kids... ??? I had an 18 month old...are you following me here? I responded back that I'd come (because I was supposed to be there) but I didn't think that it would be a very frutitious effort on my part because I'm sure I'd spend the better part of the meeting chasing my son on the playground.
I got there and sure 'nuff, he headed right to the playground... I redirected and was able to join in a few minutes of the meeting... some of these moms were really just letting their kids run crazy with no supervision... it was very nerve racking!
They got to the discussion of the "holiday parties" -- I HATE that you can't call them Christmas parties anymore. I hate political correctness, it sucks the fun out of everything. over 90% of the population is Christian but we are such a bunch of wussies that the miniscule 10% gets their way... somethings' wrong when we try to say that majority rules but it really doesn't... what a bunch of hypocrites we are! -- anyways... they said for the craft -- all the classes had to do the same thing because that way it was fair and equitable (since when does everything in life have to be fair and equitable)? so the craft they were goign to do was tie dye t-shirts. I just sat there while everyone was just listening and not peeping a word. Apparently, I was the only one that was like... ?? hello, HOW are you going to do tie dye shirts at a school party? Oh no, you don't dye the shirts at school, the craft is that you let the kids have a t-shirt and put the rubber bands on them... then the room mom takes the shirts home and dyes them. I just sat there and smiled shaking my head up and down until she paused and then started shaking it in disagreement and retorted, "that's not a craft... that's rubberbands... and I'm not dying shirts." You would have thought that I dropped an "F-bomb" in church the way their heads spun around to look at me... how DARE I challenge the way it's always been done... this wonderful idea of a craft for the Holiday party -- can you tell me what part of putting rubber bands on a plain white Hanes t-shirt is "holiday-ish?" My thoughts exactly. So then I proceeded to continue to question this ingenious, creative-laden, holiday inspired craft with "how are you going to get the t-shirts back to the kids? Are you going to have them write their names on the tags inside?" And the reply was, "oh they don't get back the one they made... they just get back a t-shirt" -- sure, lets teach them about fraud in the first grade -- hopefully they'll all get a job at a bank or as a gemologist or better yet, a politician!
By that time, Drew had doddled over to the large kid play area -- you know the kind with the 2nd story drop offs to a fireman pole-type-serious-bodily-injury-adult-supervision-required play area. Off I went... I'm sure they had some choice words to say in my absence... I basically stayed there for a play date at the park with my son while the rest of the meeting was being carried out.
Once I realized things were wrapping up, I scooped up my kiddo and headed to the master planning table and said politely, "so, someone is going to e-mail a synopsis of this meeting to those of us that didn't make it or that were busy supervising our children right?" And again -- the were in shock that the bride of Frankenstein had spoken. I got a hasty synopsis that I was supposed to memorize with a dash of attitude and an ounce of contempt. It was my first official welcome into this secret society.
.... fast forward a month or so....
Josh comes home with his class t-shirt (another mom in the room graciously agreed to labor to dye them since I didn't sign up to do that when I'd already PAID for a SCHOOL T-SHIRT!?!? WTH is wrong with the t-shirts the school had PROFESSIONALLY made? Just request that parents buy those??? I mean, they're living in a ritzy school district anyway... don't tell me they can't afford a $10 t-shirt for field trips!?!) ANYWAY.... so he comes home with this shirt that is NOT the size that we'd requested, and it is LIGHT LAVENDER TIE DYE? And, all kidding aside, I looked at Josh and said, "What the hell is that?" He just started laughing and said "my class t-shirt" to which I replied, "but it's light purple... it's a girl color... yo'ure not wearing that" and he said, "we're supposed to wear them next Tuesday for a school field trip."
Do you know what I did with that shirt? I threw it away. I told my son about the battle, the war, the reasoning, the fraud, and the fact that it was 2 sizes too small because they didn't give hi mback the size we'd paid for... I said, if you have a field trip, you can wear your school shirt that I bought and paid for... I'm not sending you to school in a lavender tie-dye shirt. He just smiled... said "okay... giggled" and then said "good". :)
Seriously, if I feel the need to get my son in touch with his feminine side I'll play some Barry Manilow for him and we'll move on.
Teaching my kid to fight the good fight.... and hoping someone has a better idea for this year's holiday "craft"
... sidebar -- by the way, the field trip was post-poned due to inclement weather...twice... then canceled so they never needed them anyway! :) Hee hee hee... I think that's called divine intervention -- or karma
Friday, November 16, 2007
What Are You Thankful For
I just have a tendency to use humor... so you'll have to just laugh with me at my responses.... I'm in full-on PMS mode today
I'm thankful for birth control -- because this week between cleaning up vomit at 2am and my 3 year old not wanting to change out of his spiderman costume, I don't know how I'd manage another child. :)
I am thankful for fast food, Chinese take-out/delivery and curbside delivery because the extra-cirrucular activities, "ho ho ho" seasonal obligations and errands are upon us and otherwise we'd go hungry.
I am thankful for Ambien CR otherwise, perhaps, I'd lie awake at night wondering if I"d syncronized my Palm, unloaded the dishwasher, made my Thanksgiving menu, charged my Zune, empted the pecans out of Drew's pockets before I put them in the washer, threw away the kleenex that Drew gave me that had his "boooooooooogers" on it that I'd stuffed into my pocket, put the milk in the pantry again instead of the refrigerator (yes, happens more often than I'd like to admit)...
I am thankful for my vacuum cleaner because with 3 dogs shedding right now as they get their winter coats in, I fear my hardwoods would look like carpet (at least in the corners anyway).
I am thankful for the pooper scooper guy -- I have 3 dogs... nuff said. :)
And today... I'm thankful for chocolate covered marshmallow santas already being on sale because I just had to have one. :)
BUT...when you get down to it...
I'm thankful each night for a warm home, full belly, flannel jammies, cup of hot chocolate, my completely dysfunctional family, our health, our God, and of course, my own scrapbook room ---oh, and my little Boston Terrier, Lola that just can't seem to understand why she can't fit in my lap as I surf the internet so she decides to squish between the chairback and my rear end ultimately trying to push me out of my own chair... aahh.. yes... motherhood of the two and four legged variety is something to be thankful for.
I'm thankful for birth control -- because this week between cleaning up vomit at 2am and my 3 year old not wanting to change out of his spiderman costume, I don't know how I'd manage another child. :)
I am thankful for fast food, Chinese take-out/delivery and curbside delivery because the extra-cirrucular activities, "ho ho ho" seasonal obligations and errands are upon us and otherwise we'd go hungry.
I am thankful for Ambien CR otherwise, perhaps, I'd lie awake at night wondering if I"d syncronized my Palm, unloaded the dishwasher, made my Thanksgiving menu, charged my Zune, empted the pecans out of Drew's pockets before I put them in the washer, threw away the kleenex that Drew gave me that had his "boooooooooogers" on it that I'd stuffed into my pocket, put the milk in the pantry again instead of the refrigerator (yes, happens more often than I'd like to admit)...
I am thankful for my vacuum cleaner because with 3 dogs shedding right now as they get their winter coats in, I fear my hardwoods would look like carpet (at least in the corners anyway).
I am thankful for the pooper scooper guy -- I have 3 dogs... nuff said. :)
And today... I'm thankful for chocolate covered marshmallow santas already being on sale because I just had to have one. :)
BUT...when you get down to it...
I'm thankful each night for a warm home, full belly, flannel jammies, cup of hot chocolate, my completely dysfunctional family, our health, our God, and of course, my own scrapbook room ---oh, and my little Boston Terrier, Lola that just can't seem to understand why she can't fit in my lap as I surf the internet so she decides to squish between the chairback and my rear end ultimately trying to push me out of my own chair... aahh.. yes... motherhood of the two and four legged variety is something to be thankful for.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Hasn't Anything Exciting Happened since 11/7?
You'd think that SOMETHING newsworthy would have happened since then??? Lets see... hmm...
I went to MOPS on 11/7 and heard a WONDERFUL talk from an amazing woman named Terri Camp. She's a single mom of 8 that had her life go into a tailspin after her 18 year old daughter confessed that her father had been molesting her. With the faith in God and the spirit of a woman, she relocated her family to Texas and started over from scratch. It's just been an amazing journey and she is just such a wonderful blessing and testimony of God's true love for us... and how it's proof that He WILL get you through anything. She has an amazing story to tell. I won a book of hers called "I'm Going To Be The Greatest Mom Ever - Even If It Kills Me" :) So far it's been a great read! :) That happened on 11/7
I had my den meeting on Thursday -- we made Indian dream catchers... that was kind of neat. After the meeting was over, I was in the garage moving a night stand and saying goodbye to everyone and when I walked into the door, Josh had a freakin melt-down because he forgot to anchor the bottom bead and when he held up his dream catcher, the beads just filed one by one onto the floor. I think he was just exhausted, and needed a good cry. He annoyed the crap out of me (before I realized that) because he compeltely had destroyed and ripped the entire thing apart...?? that's real smart... yeah, right... so iw as like... you know what.. go to your room. Go to bed. He went up there, had a good cry, pout and came back down and was fine... ?? kids. I swear I thank God daily he's not a girl. I don't know what I'd have done with anymore estrogen in this house. Mama don't do drama!
Friday I woke up with a splitting headache but going to Trulucks for dinner and having a FANTASTIC time with Ray and Lori was just what the doctor ordered. I took the boys over to mom's for the night because I had a training class the next day at the butt crack of dawn on the other side of town... but as far as Friday -- the food was fantastic, the company was the best... it was just a great night out without a kid's menu! YEA!!! Gotta love that! :)
Saturday, I got up and went with another den leader to Everman, TX to the Longhorn Council's POW WOW... I had a few classes that seemed beneficial but a couple of them were real snoozers. I e-mailed the coordinator and suggested they do some sort of class evaluation so they can see the strengths and weaknesses of each course to help it grow and make it a better program year after year. I was supposed to go to the scrapbook crop at Recollections (one of the few remaining this year since they're closing their doors at the end of December) but my friend Trinity gladly took my spot (THANK YOU GIRL) because I was just BEAT by the end of that day and literally just wanted to lapse into a coma. 7pm and I was just ready to die!
Sunday, Veteran's Day -- the Lion's club came and put up the flag in the yard... I said a little prayer for all those serving... wished I still didn't feel so beat and did nothing but clean/organize/laundry all day. It was sheer madness here I tell ya! :) I'm in some kind of nesting mode (and NO -- so don't even go there!) but I'mjust wanting to get RID OF CRAP! The more crap you have, the more you have to dust and organize...the more you get rid of, the simpler life is... :) Seems simple enough! :)
That's the update from my household... hope you're all doing well. :)
I went to MOPS on 11/7 and heard a WONDERFUL talk from an amazing woman named Terri Camp. She's a single mom of 8 that had her life go into a tailspin after her 18 year old daughter confessed that her father had been molesting her. With the faith in God and the spirit of a woman, she relocated her family to Texas and started over from scratch. It's just been an amazing journey and she is just such a wonderful blessing and testimony of God's true love for us... and how it's proof that He WILL get you through anything. She has an amazing story to tell. I won a book of hers called "I'm Going To Be The Greatest Mom Ever - Even If It Kills Me" :) So far it's been a great read! :) That happened on 11/7
I had my den meeting on Thursday -- we made Indian dream catchers... that was kind of neat. After the meeting was over, I was in the garage moving a night stand and saying goodbye to everyone and when I walked into the door, Josh had a freakin melt-down because he forgot to anchor the bottom bead and when he held up his dream catcher, the beads just filed one by one onto the floor. I think he was just exhausted, and needed a good cry. He annoyed the crap out of me (before I realized that) because he compeltely had destroyed and ripped the entire thing apart...?? that's real smart... yeah, right... so iw as like... you know what.. go to your room. Go to bed. He went up there, had a good cry, pout and came back down and was fine... ?? kids. I swear I thank God daily he's not a girl. I don't know what I'd have done with anymore estrogen in this house. Mama don't do drama!
Friday I woke up with a splitting headache but going to Trulucks for dinner and having a FANTASTIC time with Ray and Lori was just what the doctor ordered. I took the boys over to mom's for the night because I had a training class the next day at the butt crack of dawn on the other side of town... but as far as Friday -- the food was fantastic, the company was the best... it was just a great night out without a kid's menu! YEA!!! Gotta love that! :)
Saturday, I got up and went with another den leader to Everman, TX to the Longhorn Council's POW WOW... I had a few classes that seemed beneficial but a couple of them were real snoozers. I e-mailed the coordinator and suggested they do some sort of class evaluation so they can see the strengths and weaknesses of each course to help it grow and make it a better program year after year. I was supposed to go to the scrapbook crop at Recollections (one of the few remaining this year since they're closing their doors at the end of December) but my friend Trinity gladly took my spot (THANK YOU GIRL) because I was just BEAT by the end of that day and literally just wanted to lapse into a coma. 7pm and I was just ready to die!
Sunday, Veteran's Day -- the Lion's club came and put up the flag in the yard... I said a little prayer for all those serving... wished I still didn't feel so beat and did nothing but clean/organize/laundry all day. It was sheer madness here I tell ya! :) I'm in some kind of nesting mode (and NO -- so don't even go there!) but I'mjust wanting to get RID OF CRAP! The more crap you have, the more you have to dust and organize...the more you get rid of, the simpler life is... :) Seems simple enough! :)
That's the update from my household... hope you're all doing well. :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
When your best friend isn't home...
... just go in the back yard and find a new one.
I had had a great afternoon with the boys but a cold front was due to move in any hour so I sent my boys out back to enjoy the last of the warm and they went lizard hunting.
Eureka! They found one!
I think this little guy was starting to feel the chill in the air because it hung to Josh's warmth like a duck on a June bug. (If you're not from the South, you just won't get that last saying.) :)

So, this is Josh and his reptilian compadre. Sorry, just gotta say it -- Say hello to my little friend.
I had had a great afternoon with the boys but a cold front was due to move in any hour so I sent my boys out back to enjoy the last of the warm and they went lizard hunting.
Eureka! They found one!

I think this little guy was starting to feel the chill in the air because it hung to Josh's warmth like a duck on a June bug. (If you're not from the South, you just won't get that last saying.) :)

So, this is Josh and his reptilian compadre. Sorry, just gotta say it -- Say hello to my little friend.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Gymnastics and fun
Both boys are in gymnastics on Tuesdays... I had to be on a waiting list for several weeks to make that happen but after a brief hiatus for them both, when signing them back up, Josh needed to be in Level 2 and Drew was going to start out in the 3 year old class (before he was 3)... which means, no more mommy on the mat to chase him around -- he had to listen to his teacher! (Yowza). :) Well, as it goes to show from the pictures below (ha), listening and doing what youre told remains to be seen but at least he has a good time while he's there.
Drew and his little class coming from circle time... they all like to run their fingers along the wall and shout out to their moms to "watch me" or "hi mommy"

Then there's Drew on the wedge doing a somersalt -- the picture quality sucks... because the lighting there sucks...so hey, work with me... :) regardless of the lighting, they really ARE Kodak moments! LOL

and then we think Josh is actually doing something worthwhile and he's just hanging around
This is one of Drew's station - practicing balance doing an arabesque

various bear crawls on the bars

and then they teach Josh to demonstrate how he'll look if he eats too much fast food and gets no exercise

and then Drew just didn't like that news because he's a big fan of the Golden Arches so he went to pout in his giant donut (too bad it's not powdered from Mrs. Bairds)

Time is running to an end....they all sit at the edge of the mat and get stickers, stamps and progress reports

and then they take their papers and go to the wall's end and say "ta da"

notice, he just chose to scream. :) Gotta love this kid!
Drew and his little class coming from circle time... they all like to run their fingers along the wall and shout out to their moms to "watch me" or "hi mommy"

Then there's Drew on the wedge doing a somersalt -- the picture quality sucks... because the lighting there sucks...so hey, work with me... :) regardless of the lighting, they really ARE Kodak moments! LOL

and then we think Josh is actually doing something worthwhile and he's just hanging around

This is one of Drew's station - practicing balance doing an arabesque

various bear crawls on the bars

and then they teach Josh to demonstrate how he'll look if he eats too much fast food and gets no exercise

and then Drew just didn't like that news because he's a big fan of the Golden Arches so he went to pout in his giant donut (too bad it's not powdered from Mrs. Bairds)

Time is running to an end....they all sit at the edge of the mat and get stickers, stamps and progress reports

and then they take their papers and go to the wall's end and say "ta da"

notice, he just chose to scream. :) Gotta love this kid!
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