And then now in the modern age, if you're like moi, and have signed up for a multitude of e-zines in some consorted attempt to feel like you are in touch with the outside world, you start getting all these great back-to-school things like This
and what trendy girl wouldn't want This?
And speaking of Crayola... they have a ton of cool stuff Here
Would you believe that they have a whole website devoted to goofy little pens that are on some of the top 10 back to school "gotta have" gadgets? Check 'em out here
Like I said, the back-to-school madness is in full swing. ;) School is 3 weeks away. OOOH sanity is just 3 weeks away. Everyone says to enjoy it because the times go by SO quickly. It's EASY to say that on the outside looking in but when you've got a death grip on sanity because if you let go it's goign to get sucked into the vortex of time-suckage perpetuated by a tantrum throwing 4 year old wailing because HE wanted to open the back door... you pray for back to school times. :)

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