The nights I stayed in the guest bedroom there's also another memory that anyone in my family can attest to -- if the Texas Rangers were playing baseball my Pawpaw would be watching it. And, if he couldn't watch it, he would listen to it. On the nights when the latter took place, Pawpaw would be laying in his bed down the hall listening to them on his old alarm clock-radio. The announcers voice would almost echo off the hardwood floors and empty walls. The house was small in size (about 1100 square feet so you really couldn't hide what you were listening to, anyway.) It was an AM station so it was crackly. I know he was tired or he wouldn't have turned it so loud as to try to keep the neighbors awake. I heard every pop fly, double and triple play until I dozed off. So, I guess everyone in that house shared a special connection with the Texas Rangers because of him.
I remember as a little girl him taking me to the games. The man lived for the Rangers' games. I remember the old ball park where we'd sit in the outfield. You could bring your own snacks in at the time... sometimes he'd bring a big bag of popcorn. Others he'd bring his own cooler of drinks. Regardless, we were fed and we had a great time.
On one occasion when he had a big bag of popcorn a hit was made out to the outfields... HOME RUN RANGERS! There were kids scurrying all around his feet looking for the ball. The gentleman behind Pawpaw tapped him on the shoulder to notify him that the ball -- it was in his bag of popcorn! Pawpaw reached in and there it was! He proudly displayed all the balls he got from Rangers games in the trophy shelving that hung in their living room. Good times. Good times.
Well, last night the Rangers did something they have never done before. The Texas Rangers made their way into the World Series. I think my Pawpaw would have been pleased. I'm just sad that he wasn't here to enjoy it. I would have loved taking him to one of the World Series games.
So, I dedicate this post to my Pawpaw--J.C. Wesson, a sometimes cantankerous old koot with a heart for the Texas Rangers baseball club. I know in my heart that he knows they made it to the World Series. I know, too, he had the best view in the stadium. Pawpaw, I hope you enjoyed the game! Miss you!

Aww So sweet to dedicate it like this:)
PawPaw was watching and cheering right along with you!
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