1. They've certainly got their work cut out for them. (The garbage men... for tomorrow's haul.)
2. I am going to Disney World! Not anytime soon, but... eventually... I WILL go! I mean, I have to! It's Disney World and I LURVE IT!

3. What is the point of all of the wires and loops and tie-downs and twists and clamshell packaging these days? It takes a chainsaw to open a simple toy!
4. I dislike 100% of reality tv shows. Well, you could potentially say 99% of ALL tv shows but I do like me some Paula Deen and Ghost Hunters but honestly, I DVR them... and NEVER watch them. It's ridiculous.
5. Eyes are truly the first feature I notice in another person. I notice whether they're engaging... honest... hiding... shy... interested... I truly believe they are the window to the soul.
6. As a mom, I sincerely cringe whenever I hear the words "ut oh" muttered anywhere in my presence. Generally it's followed by some type of expletive muttered beneath my breath and a huge mess I have to clean up.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to UN-Christmasing my home; tomorrow my plans include further UN-Christmasing my home, cooking, meal planning, reading my new cookbooks and maybe getting my scrapbook room in order and Sunday, I want to relax!

I'm glad I'm not the only one looking forward to taking down Christmas - I've been called a Scrooge about 1000 times recently. But really it's over and I like clean
wow, you are already un-Christmasing? I never even got to finish decorating FOR Christmas!!!
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