Today we ripped off as a blogger named Danielle, from her blog Sometimes Sweet. She doesn't say where she got it--but it was probably stolen from somewhere cool. Tracing back the thefts of those that we steal from could take a while. So, of course, that will be as far as we go. Link back to us at Sunday Stealing!
Thinking about: Truthfully, I'm thinking about hopping on a flight to Colorado.

Feeling: Blessed.
Reading: An instruction guide for using my new Kindle Fire HD.

Listening to: Lucy and Lola chewing on one another in the armchair behind me. It's a night time ritual. Heeeeeere's Lucy.

Wondering: What I shall make for breakfast tomorrow.

Looking forward to: sleeping in my bed with clean sheets on it tonight! (Yes, it's ridiculous, I love sleeping on clean sheets. They make me happy!)
Missing: There are several puzzle pieces missing from Benji's wooden puzzles... I'll be searching for those this week I fear.

Watching: The letters appear on the screen... that's a shocker, huh? Insofar as life or TV --- NOTHING because I don't watch tv.

Eating: Too much! I took my mom to a Mother's Day lunch at The Gaylord hotel in Grapevine and they had an amazing buffet! I had a piece of the most decadent Swiss cheese... a delicious chicken enchilada... some fantastic smoked salmon with cream cheese... some roasted Brussel sprouts... shrimp... crab legs... fresh, sweet melon and the dark chocolate icing off a piece of cake. Yes, just the icing.

Making me happy: My new Kindle Fire HD... and a free month of Amazon Prime!

Happy Mother's Day, friend.
Happy Mother's Day my dear! I hope you had a wonderful day!!
Oh how I would love to say I don't watch TV, you so rock!
I'm a little jealous of your kindle Fire.
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