Because of the rain, Josh's 2pm football practice and 4:30 p.m. football BBQ were postponed. Drew's 4:30 t-ball practice was cancelled so I went and took a shower and my only errand was a grocery run at 7pm because I ran out of laundry detergent and I wanted to make sure that I had snacks/lunch meat/staples for the week to come!
All three boys went and moved the playroom around so that the painters could get in there in the morning and start working their magic on there!
Tomorrow they're going to a) paint my bathroom cabinets black, b) sand and paint the kitchen island black, c) paint the scrapbook room blue, d) repaint all the trim / baseboards in the house, and e) repaint the door by the laundry room where Thor scratched it off.
I'm not sure they'll get done and since this paint takes MUCH longer to dry and is SO freakin' stinky -- I'm not looking forward to being in my house this next week. :(
I did find out upon returning home from the store that we have a silly putty problem in the carpet -- UGH! But, apparently my "go to" for anything is supposed to work on that as well: Goo Gone. I'll try that after they're gone tomorrow.

sounds like you had a great weekend! LOL - gotta love the rain. It's too cold to go camping here yet but my boy is already talking about it! He can't wait!
And I just realized that you went camping pregnant. You are like the best mom ever. I did that once when I was preg with my first and I will never do it again!
Have a great week!
I want to hear how all the painting goes. There a few rooms in our house that I would like to paint out the baseboards...I am sure it will all turn out great.
I love camping, but I haven't been in so long. I used to love camping with no tent in college, and now my husband says he doesn't even want to camp WITH a tent, cabins only (dang Texas boy!) but I am working on it!
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