
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fill It In Friday!!

Friday Fill-Ins Pictures, Images and Photos"> we go!

1. I was surprised that Casey was in the bottom 3 AGAIN on American Idol but I AM glad that Sibhoahn or whatever her name is--was voted off because she was just... bizarre and the way she enunciated some of her words kinda oogied me out.

2. I wanted to get Benjamin's newborn footprints in his baby book and I left my book where? At home, of course... not like going into labor a month early to make you a little scatterbrained on D-Day!

3. Why do I always see to get behind the Sunday drivers every OTHER day of the week?

4. My lack of sleep was in my thoughts today.

5. One of my father's favorite sayings was "Give me a BIG HUG."

6. Love--I know that feeling! I experience it every time I look at my children...

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to taking Josh to his final dress rehearsal for his play and to Drew's t-ball game, tomorrow my plans include taking Josh to his recital (and picking up Drew there -- having overnighter with Mimi on Friday) and Sunday, I want to try to catch up on at least a couple of hours sleep, organize the house, make a great menu for the week, plan my den's final month before the summer and get to church (or watch the sermon on the internet if the baby doesn't cooperate with me)!


Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

I'm sure the baby book was at the bottom of the list on D-Day! Hope you have a lovely weekend.

Diana_CT said...

I was stuck behind a Sunday driver today and as a result I was late to a meeting.

P.S. In reply to your question, I'm going for my Masters in Social Work

Keli said...

have a great weekend!!

~Kristina said...

Aha! I agree with Sioban being gone.

Cheers to a nice weekend!

brandt! said...

My mom always said that to us! (the hug!)

Vanniedosa said...

Casey is so hot :) Plus he's getting better and better each week.

At this point all the AI contestants are great. I don't know whom to vote for. If I should I'd go for Lee.

Great Answers! hit me back!

achildoftheking said...

Awe.. newborns... I love babies.

I love watching church online at

You can find me here this week.

Anonymous said...

You have so much going on. My son didn't cooperate with my going o church for awhile when he was a newborn.

Unknown said...

Loved your list! I totally agree about Siobhan and Casey--we're big Casey fans here! But I think Crystal is in a league all her own. I also had to laugh about the baby book. My youngest is almost 7 months old and his baby calendar (where I mark most milestones, etc.) has been missing for months! I can't find it anywhere and it's driving me nuts!

Jhari said...

Love your answer on #5. Wish my father could say too for me, but I guess I'm too old for that. Hehe! He does it with his grand children though, hehe!

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your fill-ins each week. #5 is precious! Sounds like you have a busy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I have 3 boys and I only managed to remember the baby book for #3! (lol)

Here are my Friday Fill-In answers - if you'd like to check them out! =)

=) Happy REALLY REALLY belated Friday Fill-In! (lol) =)

Anonymous said...

I have 3 boys and I only managed to remember the baby book for #3! (lol)

Here are my Friday Fill-In answers - if you'd like to check them out! =)

=) Happy REALLY REALLY belated Friday Fill-In! (lol) =)