Anyone that knows me knows that THIS is a complete and TOTAL no-brainer!

The air is clear, crisp and fresh...
It's not densely populated.
You're surrounded by the beautiful mountains...

The rainstorms with lightning are BEAUTIFUL to watch.
The elk are constant visitors.

It's peaceful.
It's beautiful.
It's... Colorado.
A girl can BREATHE in this view... and be happy.

End of story.

Do you live close to EP?
Good night! Why aren't we all living in Colorado? That picture takes my breath away. My brother goes to Telluride every few years and talks of moving there someday. Maybe I'll join him? Anything to get away from the heat and humidity of MS.
We've hiked, and camped there. It is a cool place. We didn't see nearly that many Elk though. Maybe the time of year is important?
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