Step through the web into my life. Read the ramblings of daily existence. My life, though by no means mundane in the overall picture, possesses such poignant moments that sometimes I just shake my head and wonder where the cameras are because it can't be real. Then I realize -- THIS is what it's all about!
I started a Tumblr account a week or two ago...but a) I haven't figured out the purpose and b) I don't know how to follow people. So asking me who my favorites are is premature as I have none... and even if I had a lot, I'd still likely have none. :)
I have no idea what that is... for...but that's me on Tumblr.
Well that just about sums it up for me!
So glad I'm not alone there. I also signed up but am like, "ok, what now?" hahaha....I'm too old for all these fancy new ideas. :-)
You even added the logo, props for that. Will see if I can follow you there, as I just started it to try and figure it out.
Was successful in following you, now what? Are then able to follow me? The page I see for me, looks different then the page I see for you?
Let me know, maybe we can figure it out this way?
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