Think about it... If you want to sound intelligent, speak like an Englishman.
If you want to sound mysterious, throw in an Australian overtone.
If you want to sound ghetto, you speak Ebonics...

...annnnnnnd if you want to sound like a complete dumbass, talk like a Texan.
A hick...
A redneck...
White trash..
So, today, I'm saluting my apparent roots (being a native Texan) and I'm thankful for the Red Neck.
And, while all of these may have some similarities... they, too, do have some glaring differences. So, while all Texans aren't complete dolts (I mean, I AM one of them), a Texan may be a hick but not a redneck or white trash.... and a piece of white trash may be a complete hick but not a Texan.... So, this is definitely a mix-and-max menagerie of dipshidiots, it doesn't necessarily mean they are all one in the same.

And most importantly, Jeff Foxworthy would be without a job if it weren't for my brethren so he, too, should DEFINITELY be thankful.... for RED NECKS...

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