Three more to go! Wow... it's getting exciting isn't it? Ok, yeah, I know it's not...but it's fun. So, shuddup! As always, a recap for my friends and visitors:
Day 1: glow sticks
Day 2: Pampers
Day 3: cold weather
Day 4: Canton, TX
Day 5: Q-tips
Day 6: Inside jokes
Day 7: The inexistence of mind readers
Day 8: Wal-Martians
Day 9: Thongs
Day 10: Anti-Depressants
Day 11: China
Day 12: Pickles
Day 13: Spam
Day 14: Consumerism driven by superficial people
Day 15: Laughter
Day 16: Muffin Tops
Day 17: Laxatives
Day 18: Photoshopped Celebrities
Day 19: Red Necks
Day 20: Pet wearers
Day 21: For responsible people who step in to care for the kids of those who aren't
Day 22: For the ability to be thankful
Day 23: Black Friday
Day 24: Gamers
Day 25: Lady Gaga
Day 26: Batman
Yes. I'm a PINNER!
I'm Pinned.
I'm followed.
I'm following.
It's an addictive love affair I tell you!

I truly believe that this is more powerful than all the meth out there!
Pinterest. The one stop where you can search on how to style your house, head, child, dog, make an origami bird, fix your sink, cook an entire feast for a party of 20 -- in your crockpot, decorate cakes, make your own furniture, go green, plan a scrapbook, host a party, find something red, collect pictures of unicorns and research teaching plans on Christopher Columbus.

But, like I said, Pinterest is a complete and total master in the art of time suckage. But, I don't care. I'm a Pin-addict! Thanks to Pinterest!
Oh, and if you want to follow me, there is a "follow me" button at the top of my blog. Join the revolution!

1 comment:
How did I not know you were on there? I so am now following you :)
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