I miss my paternal grandmother.
... was THE most amazing cook.
... always made me feel like I was important and that I was loved.
... had a heart bigger than Texas.
... taught me to do ceramics.
... was just an amazing person.
I used to give her pedicures.
We would go swimming together.
When I was younger she'd take me to Lake Grapevine to her slip in the docks to fish.
Every year on my birthday, she would make me a cake. Not just any cake... but a handmade white cake with handmade frosting with just a hint of almond extract. Every year without fail. One person has made me one cake since she passed... and it was chocolate (not my favorite). Bleh.
The world is less authentic without her in it. True story.

I regularly dream of my paternal grandmother. Very vivid dreams and we're always doing something fun and domestic together. She also made my sisters and me the best birthday cakes!
I envy these memories. I had only one grandmother and she was horrible. A mean, old lady. My inspiration for becoming the best grandma ever. Hope my grands will someday have fond memories of me. :)
I miss my maternal grandmother, never met my paternal. We called our grandmother "Mom" and she was such a strong personality, very feisty. Great post!
She sounds amazing! I'm so happy you had the time with her that you did.
Aww, I hear ya. I miss my grandpa!! {{}}'s!!
*big hugs*
I didn't know my paternal grandmother well, but I miss my maternal grandmother a lot.
Loved this post, even though the reason for it is sad.
Ahhh what a lovely post. I miss mine too! Great women the made great moments in our life.
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