In one year, I hope to see less of myself. I am on a journey to a smaller me (in some areas). I am sure I'll still be right where I am. Exciting stuff, huh?

2. CUÑA (“TV/Radio Spot*”): Which commercial do you find most annoying at the moment?
I don't watch television. And this is another reason WHY. ALL commercials annoy me. TV, for the most part, is a waste of time. People are more concerned with Snooki and The Bachelor than their own government... that is pathetic.

3. JALAPEÑO: What’s the spiciest food you enjoy?
Salsa, probably. I like to be able to savor my food. I want to be able to enjoy it. Having something burn my tongue, throat, innards... etc. just doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. I will eat raw jalapeno in fresh pico. Otherwise, I have no desire to have my tastebuds set ablaze. None whatsoever. Those who partake of the "ghost pepper" definitely have a few screws loose. And this lady, Glozelle, does this for schtick but it still makes me chuckle to watch her!
4. MAÑA (“Skill”): What would you consider to be your most valuable skill?
Hmmmm... a skill by it's very definition is a learned task... so I would definitely say to read.
5. PIÑA (“Pineapple”): What is your favorite “tropical” fruit?
OOOH I love me some fruits. Truth be known, I had to look up what all were considered "tropical" fruits. I know that mango, pineapple, papaya and coconut were... however, I haven't eaten a great deal (if any) of the more exotic tropical fruits... like starfruit, persimmon, mangosteen, durian, lychee and passionfruit. So, from the ones that I HAVE consumed, I'd have to put pineapple right up there as the big kahuna.

6. PIÑATA: Have you ever been to a party that featured a piñata, and if so, what was it stuffed with?
I'm in Texas... Mexico is our neighbor -- of COURSE we've had pinatas! They're ALWAYS stuffed with candy and little toys. What do you expect them to be stuffed with? Roaches? Bats? A dead body? Duh!

*Cuña has several meanings, but this one was the one I chose for this particular question.
Thanks for playing and I hope you’ll be back next week!

1 comment:
U rock I wish I could give up tv it's a vice I know
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