Well, if this isn't the straw that's gonna break this camel's back. Not only do I not have favorites...but I have an exponentially long list of pet peeves.
Some are because of my children.
- leaving the gate open
- leaving their crap in my car
- interrupting me
- being disrespectful to one another
- leaving their socks EVERYWHERE
Some are because of my pets.
- waking up at 3:50 am to go pee
- jumping up and down off the bed to wake me up when it's not time to get up
- barking incessantly at the door when no one is there
- leaving huge puddles of water after drinking (Moose)
Some are because of idiot drivers.
- if you're driving faster than me, you're a maniac
- if you're driving slower than me, you're a douche bag
- if you're blocking me in so that I can't pass, you're a jerk
- if you take up two parking places, you have a little penis
Some are from the gym.
- not reracking your weights
- wearing gross amounts of cologne
- not wiping your sweat off machines
- playing SLOW ASS SONGS to work out to
Some are at the grocery store.
- leaving your cart in the middle of the aisle
- having to take any child with me
- stupid music played on the speakers
Some are from my family.
- this list is too long to list
Some are at restaurants.
- getting screwed at the drive thru
- waiting forever for a refill
Some are from facebookers.
- Vaguebooking
- Putting your entire life out there and airing dirty laundry
- fighting with your children
- not saying something to your daughters when they're dressed like HOOKERS and posting pictures as such
- posting gross, disgusting, nasty pictures of cuts, infections, boils, things that have been removed from your body, etc.
Some are things I do!
- walking into a room and not remembering why I'm there (that's the big one)
I'm a full long list of peeve! Yes, I am. I am the ultimate peever. The great thing is that I can peeve about it and then it's gone. However, when I see it again... I'm momentarily peeved again. It *does* pass, but it's still a momentarily lapse of peace into peevement.

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