Day 23 - Do You Have A Hobby?
I have many hobbies.
I write. I've been working for a little over a year on a novel -- off an on. My dear friend and writer, Valerie King (an author) is gently prodding me to finish. I think she and I need to work on a collaboration! THAT would energize me! Val, love, you up for it?
I blog. This is pretty self-explanatory! I mean, you're HERE aren't ya?
I cook. I love scouring the boards of Pinterest for something new and exciting to try.
I read. I read in the carpool line. I read at night. I read on my Kindle. I read books. I read magazines. I read on my computer. I read on my laptop. I read... all the time.
I scrapbook. I actually was scrapping when this published!
I work out. Due to illness and injury I haven't been as consistent but I plan to remedy that post haste.
I take photos. I love photography. I have a lot of mentors in this arena as well and as it's one of my true passions that I don't feel I have "mastered" to my level of expectation, it will be the one I pursue the hardest this summer.
So, that's me... how about you?

We are so alike, even though I work out I so wouldn't say that it is a hobby I love ... lol
I also read in the carpool line. I take a book or my ipad with me everywhere. You never know when you have some unexpected waiting. I took this past week off from working out, but I am starting back tomorrow. Yay!! Photography!! I don't ever feel I have reached my expectations...I am always pushing myself. We have a lot in common. I don't write though, my daughter does.
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